Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

[Harry's pov]

I push my hair back against my forehead as I keep a steady pace walking. I look over at Bella who keeps a serious expression. She hasn't spoken since I told her about me and Naomi. I softly bump her on purpose to get her attention. "What?" she says harshly. "Why are you mad?" I ask her. "I'm not!" she snaps. I know she's mad but I don't know why. I don't want to ask again because she will probably stab me or punch me or do something violent.

Just kidding, I know she won't.

We walk into class and she quickly sits down, not speaking at all. Class goes by slowly and I'm found playing with my student ID and fixing my hair every so often. "Harry," someone taps me on the shoulder; it's Breanna, "do you know what number three on the homework was?" she whispers. I shrug and then smirk at her. "Do you really think I did the homework?" I ask her quietly. She smiles to herself and looks back down at her desk. I turn back around to pretend like I care about the lecture that Ms. Christians is presenting to us. I look at Bella to see that she's sitting in the same position as she was when we came into class. "Alright, you need to copy this into your notes." Ms. Christians tells the class. I roll my eyes and write in my notebook that I got out of my backpack about ten minutes ago. As I write the last word from the powerpoint, the bell rings and I stuff my notebook into my backpack, hoping to catch up to Bella after class. I look over to her seat to see that she has already left. I walk out of the classroom doors quickly, but before I can catch up to her, Chase has already taken my place. I walk behind them close enough to hear the conversation, but not in a creepy way.

Chase slings his arm around Bella and smiles down at her. "Hey honey." he says jokingly. "Hey." she replies glumly. "Whoa whoa, are you alright?" he asks her. I roll my eyes. Are you an idiot?

"Well, I mean..." she starts, " Yeah's stupid." she tells him. "You can tell me. You can tell me anything, you know that, right?" Chase says in a sweet voice. I want to throw up. "Yeah, I know, but it's just stupid." she shrugs and removes his arm from her shoulders. "Is it about Harry?" Chase asks and I almost trip at the mention of my name. Is it about me?

"I mean, sort of. It's not just him."

"What happened?" he asks her.

She stays quiet and I'm left with curiosity itching at my thoughts. They stop walking but I don't want to look shady or be spotted by them, so I walk ahead. I take a quick glance at Bella to see her face red and puffy and sad. She's crying.

She's crying because of me? Emotions rise to the surface, but I don't know which to feel. I am very curious as to exactly why she's upset. I don't want to ask her, because she probably won't tell me. Fuck, I'm jealous of Chase; Bella will tell him anything.


I turn to see Chase advancing towards me. Speaking of the devil...

"What do you want?" I reply.

"Chase please stop it." Bella quickly walks toward us, sniffling.

"No, he needs to learn his lesson." he says to her.

"I need to learn my lesson?" I chuckle, "Go ahead, teach me. Teach me the lesson."

"We can take this outside, Styles." Chase says.

"I would, but I'm going to be late for class." I tell him with only slight sarcasm. He only grows angrier.

"Fine, we'll do this now." Confusion strikes me for a few seconds but then I know exactly what will happen. "Stop it!" Bella yells as Chase punches me in the side of my face. I fell my jaw tense under my skin. I smile. "Are you finished?" I ask. "Not quite." Chase answers, giving me a good punch in the face again. My fist connects with Chase's nose and he falls to the ground. Within seconds, I am on top of him. "No!" I hear Bella shriek faintly over the pumping of my blood, which I am sure is only adrenaline. I can only get a few punches in before I'm being pulled off, thrashing and yelling angrily. Everything feels like it's in slow motion. I look over at Bella who's screams are inaudible to me.


"This is ridiculous; it's his fault, he started all this shit!" I yell at the teacher at the front of the more or less empty room. "I don't make the rules, and please watch your language." she says. I slouch in my chair and try not to punch the desk.

Chase sits four seats away from me. "Once we're out of here, I'm kicking your ass for real." he threatens quietly. I scoff and try not to laugh. "Okay, we'll see." I reply to him trying to scare me. He's honestly so stupid. I know the minute we get out of here, he will leave without saying a word to me. "No talking." the teacher scolds as she sits down at the desk that probably isn't hers and starts to read a magazine.

I groan dramatically. I look to the door to see Bella pass by the room. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask, cutting through the silence in the room. "Hurry." the teacher says from behind her magazine. I grab my backpack and leave out of the door.

"Bella!" I call after her. She walks faster down the hallway, but my long strides help me catch up. I grab her arm and push her against the wall as gentle as possible. "Hey, what's wrong?" I question. "Don't you have detention?" she mumbles. "I couldn't give a shit less about detention. Tell me what's wrong." I demand. Her body is stiff under my touch but I'm not letting go until she tells me. "It's dumb. I don't need to tell you anyways." she protests, trying to break free of my hand. I tighten my grip"Yes, you do. I want to know what's wrong. If it's about me, tell me. If it's not about me, tell me. I want to help you." I tell her, meaning it.

"Harry..." she tries to resist me. "I'm not letting you go until you tell me." I say strongly. "Harry, you're hurting me." she quietly says. I quickly let go of her and mumble a small 'sorry.' She relaxes a bit and looks me in the eyes. "I'll tell you later, alright?" she sighs. I'll take it. I just need to know sometime. "Soon okay?" I push, wanting her to promise it. "Yeah, alright." she confirms.

We don't take our eyes off each other. I feel something in my stomach, maybe butterflies, as I feel us leaning closer.

And closer.

And closer.

Until we are so close I can almost feel her lips on mine.

"Um, I-I have to go." she pushes away with heavy breathing. I see her eyes move down to my lips. I know she is debating whether to kiss me or not. I push my hair over and nod. "Bye." she says awkwardly. I wave back at her. When she is out of sight, I lean on the lockers and replay our faces being that close again in my mind.

I walk farther away from the classroom. Detention can kiss my ass anyway.

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