ii. @UnsinkableShips

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Hey guys! We now present to you the second episode of Shine Bright! Special thanks to the amazing and lovely UnsinkableShips for making this possible

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Hey guys! We now present to you the second episode of Shine Bright! Special thanks to the amazing and lovely UnsinkableShips for making this possible. <3 Enjoy!

PQ: Thank you so much for agreeing! Can you please state your name and your age?

Sarah: No worries! Thanks again so much for asking me. I always love being interviewed. My name's Sarah and I'm twenty-one years old.

PQ: Okay, first of all. What inspired you to write your books?

Sarah: I started writing when I was really young and that was due to my love of reading and desire to write my own stories. In terms of what inspired me to join Wattpad and write the stories I've shared on here so far, I was someone who used to read on Wattpad and there were some writers i.e. Abigail Gibbs, Kate Merchant and Emily Slough, to name a few, who really inspired me to want to write on Wattpad too. My inspiration for my stories come from a lot of different places: movies, TV shows, other books I've read, music, and real life experience.

PQ: Do you have any favorite place to write? If there is, where?

Sarah: I always write at home, so that's probably my favourite place. I can't write anywhere noisy, in public, or somewhere I'm not comfortable. I don't like to write without music either. When I go down to my beach house I try to write there, too, and that's probably the most relaxing and productive place to go.

PQ: Fries or Burger?

Sarah: Burger every time!

PQ: Who is your favorite author on Wattpad?

Sarah: My favourite author on Wattpad? Oh my gosh, this is literally impossible for me to answer as I have so many and I don't think I can choose just one. There are so many amazing writers on this website, I could be here all day listing who I love and why. If you're interested, check out the people that I follow!

PQ: What is your favorite genre to read/write about?

Sarah: My favourite genre to read and write is definitely contemporary romance.

PQ: In three words, how would you describe yourself?

Sarah: Hmmm. I'd have to say: caring, lazy, and determined.

PQ: What is/are your favorite books?

Sarah: My favourite books are basically anything by Mariana Zapata (huge shout out to qwertyist for introducing me to her ♡). If I had to pick my number one favourite, it'd probably be Wait For It. I just read that recently and it was such an amazing book. It made me laugh, cry, swoon... would definitely recommend!

PQ: Do you think the books are better than the movies?

Sarah: I was actually just having this conversation the other day with some friends, and I do think that generally the books are better than the movies. There's more detail and depth in a book, in my opinion, but I love watching movies and will always enjoy both! Sometimes it takes seeing and loving the movie (or TV show) for me to realise it's based on a book series and then I start reading it, so it goes both ways.

PQ: What's your advice for the aspiring authors out there?

Sarah: It's so cheesy but my best advice would be to never give up! I was very discouraged when I first started writing on Wattpad because it was hard for me personally to get reads and recognition. Keep persisting and being patient, and if you're passionate, friendly, and interested in always improving your writing, it'll show and I'm sure that you will gradually gain a loyal and strong readership. Another thing to remember is that everyone, even all of your favourite writers, both on and off Wattpad, started from humble beginnings.

PQ: Do you plan on making writing a career?

Sarah: It's always been a dream of mine to have my career be writing but I'm also really passionate about teaching, too, which is why I'm majoring in Education and planning to teach children. It'd be great to be able to continue writing and making some profit off my work while also pursuing teaching as I also love children and life-long learning.

PQ: We would also like to know what you call your fans and what is the craziest thing a fan did?

Sarah: I don't really have an official name for my fans (it still feels a bit weird saying that I have fans haha), but if anyone wants to suggest one, feel free! :-) In terms of the craziest thing a fan has done, there isn't a particular occasion I can think of. Sometimes I get unusual messages and requests, and just recently someone claimed to be really inspired by one of my stories but just ended up blatantly plagiarising me, but aside from those types of things, there's nothing too crazy.

And that's a wrap! Thank you so much Sarah! Who do you think we'll interview next? :D

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