vi. @RobThier

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Our following writer has won the Watty Awards two years in a row with his well known series of "Storm and Silence" and has been individually successful in many other occasions. We present to you Robert Thier (RobThier)! We are so honored! Now let's get to the questions...

What is your name and where are you from?

Robert: My name is Robert Thier, and I'm from Germany.

When did you decide writing was your passion?

Robert: I think it was about at age ten or eleven. It was a little too early to remember precisely.

How did you discover Wattpad?

Robert: Thanks to the all-powerful, mighty Google ;)

What are your thoughts on the success of your books?

Robert: "Oh my God, did that really happen?" I think that every time I see how many readers and fans I have ;-)

What was your inspiration for your watty award winning book and winner of multiple other awards "Storm and Silence"?

Robert: There are various inspirations, ranging from historical personalities, over book characters from Dickens and Austen, to more modern influences. It's really the mix that makes it interesting.

Any hobbies?

Robert: Taking walks, classical music, reading (of course) and the occasional quality videogame.

Any upcoming books your readers should know about?

Robert: "WARNING! Fairy Tales 2" will soon be started on Wattpad - and I'm working on more tales to come.

What would you like to say to your readers?

Robert: Thank you for being such spiffing, supportive fans! :)

Favorite food?

Robert: Mostly traditional German dishes like Maultaschen and Spätzle. Have fun trying to pronounce those ;)

Do you travel often?

Robert: No, I have some health problems that would make that difficult.

Have you seen your fans in real life?

Robert: Not yet, unfortunately.

Where is your favorite place to write?

Robert: In my writing dungeon (aka the cellar, where it always stays nice and cool, and my brain won't overheat).

Thank you for your time. (: We really appreciate it!

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