iii. @-voidallison

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Today, (more like a few days ago) we've decided to interview another amazing author on Wattpad known as -voidallison! Thank you for making this chapter possible! :)

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Today, (more like a few days ago) we've decided to interview another amazing author on Wattpad known as -voidallison! Thank you for making this chapter possible! :)

Tanz: Thank you for accepting. What is your name and how old are you?

Taylor: Of course! I'm excited (: My name is Taylor, and I am 17 years old, a Junior in high school.

Tanz: What inspired you to enter the world of graphic design?

Taylor: Making graphics was something I've always been interested in, since my mom is a photographer and had shown me a few things possible with photoshop (which still blows my mind tbh) but it wasn't until an old friend of mine shown me the app Superimpose and how to use it that I really got into graphic making. From there, I just branched off on my own and got to where I am today!

Tanz: How did you discover Wattpad?

Taylor: I believe I found Wattpad one day when an ad was on my screen about fan fictions, and at the time, I was a hardcore TVD stan so I thought I'd read one. After that, I got into Teen Wolf more and then started my own teen wolf fanfic account!

Tanz: Do you have any favorite frappuccino? If there is, what is it?

PQ: Please be Java Chip!

Taylor: to be honest, I haven't really tried very many (I'll have to try that Java Chip though) but I usually just get caramel cause I'm a basic white girl, haha

Tanz: Any word on publishing any of your books?

Taylor: I actually might be posting a new westallen fic soon, so make sure to keep an eye out for that (;

Tanz: Any books that you love? (Within or outside Wattpad)

Taylor: Outside of Wattpad, I love love love the TMR series by James Dasher and the Shiver series by Maggie Stiefvater. On wattpad I'd have to say Overdose by -lahey, Letters to the Stars by allisonsargent, and Dark Corners by bradmcquaid are my faves!

Tanz: Who is your inspiration/model?

Taylor: vividparacosm for absolute sure. Her writing ALWAYS is giving me the chills and I just aspire to be as good as her someday (most likely won't ever happen, but it's good to dream!).

Tanz: Favorite author? (Within or outside wattpad)

Taylor: Other than vividparacosm, I love boywonders too. He's always writing tear jerkers and really deep things, and that's what I love to read.

Tanz: What made you discover your hidden talent for writing?

Taylor: Hidden talent for writing...well hm, I think I've always had this thing for writing ever since I took a creative writing class in Junior High (I was awful back then, but it really gave me the inspiration to write here and spread my wings).

Tanz: What were your emotions or thoughts when your book reached a million views?

Taylor: One million views..I'm still completely baffled because of that! I remember when I had posted my first fanfic on here how excited I was when I first got 1k views, and now here I am with 1M, 2M now I believe. When I first saw it, I'm 99% sure I stopped and cried. Just the idea of having that many people reading something of mine blew my mind and still does, and I'll always be thankful for the never-ending support I get from everyone here.

Tanz: What would you like to say to your readers and supporters?

Taylor: You all mean the world to me. I'd like to say thank you once again for all that you do. You keep me motivated to keep writing and editing and to do what I love most, and that is why you guys are so so important. You most likely don't realize how much you really do for me, and I just want to let you know that you do more than you could ever imagine. I hope you always find a smile on your face, and if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here, always. I love you all.


Tanz: Any hobbies?

Taylor: Well, I'm a little bit of a country girl, so I love to do all of your typical country hobbies such as fish, ride the 4-wheeler, go boating, raise my piggies, hunt a little, and I love love archery. I also do the typical writing and editing, along with getting food with my friends at random hours of the day, haha.

Tanz: Any pets?

Taylor: I have TONS of pets, but I'll just state the main ones, haha. I have a indoor dog (shitzu mix) named Tucker, an outside dog (blue healer) named Ruger, another outdoor dog my dad uses for coon hunting named Jake, and we just got five new piglets not too long ago that we haven't named yet, but they're so adorable! I don't think I have one story that I have the highest hopes for, but I do favor some of them over the others.

Tanz: Which story of yours do you have the highest hope for? Or do you love them all equally?

Taylor: I think my Afterlife series and my flash fic Silver Trickster are my top favorites, only because I poured/am pouring my heart and ideas into those fics, and I tried my best to make them as best as they could be!

PQ: And lastly, from the scale of 1 to Barry Allen, how much do you love Grant Gustin?

Taylor: hmmm...well you see, I would say Barry Allen, but I know that Ashlinized is for sure past the point of Barry Allen on that scale, so I am no where close to that much love, haha! I do love that man with all my heart though; I just hope to meet him someday and tell him how much I do (:

Thank you for taking the time to do this interview for #projectrealize! You will always be appreciated <3 which amazing author is next? You'll just have to find out ;)

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