iv. @orangechicken

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Hi guys! First of all, we would like to thank orangechicken for making this possible. Thank you! Second, we are so sorry for our absence. Hope this will make it up to you guys :)

What is your name and how old are you?

Nghi: My name is Nghi, I'm 19

What or who inspired you to write your very successful story, "I'll Protect You"?

Nghi: Honestly, i was inspired by "The Princess Protection Program" at first and also because I wanted to write a princess story that just had the smallest twists.

How did you find out about Wattpad?

Nghi: I don't remember how I found out about this site, honestly, it's been so long.

Do you like coffee?

Nghi: I would kill for coffee.

PQ: Same girl, same. Although, I wouldn't kill someone, I'll do something worse *evil grin* like eat their food or something . . .

Tanz: . . .

Nghi: . . .

Food: . . .

Anyway, any word on publishing any of your books?

Nghi: I mean I'd love to publish my books, but for right now, they'll just stay on the internet!

Any books that you love? (Within or outside Wattpad)

Nghi: Recently, I read Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, and she stole my heart with this series. It's got one of the best writing, worldbuilding, characterization, and inclusion of diversity I've ever read. Also Harry Potter.

Who is your inspiration/model?

Nghi: My sister, mainly.

Favorite author? (Within or outside wattpad)

Nghi: My all-time favorite author is JK Rowling, but I do have loads of others that I carry a high respect for.

What made you discover your hidden talent for writing?

Nghi: I don't think I ever discovered a hidden talent for writing? For the most part growing up, I read a lot of books, and my English comprehension was insane, and because I loved reading, I tried out writing -- and I was awful at it. Legitimately awful. And I guess that in itself made me discover that I could be an even better writer? The more I wrote, the better I wanted to write, so I just kept on writing more until I got to this point.

What were your emotions or thoughts when your book reached a million views?

Nghi: I was really confused. I was like, "Not my book. Wattpad must've had a glitch again." And then after the shock settled off, I was even more confused. I'm still confused actually as to how my story had gotten that amount of views.

What would you like to say to your readers and supporters?

Nghi: I'd just like to say thank you so much to everyone who stuck through with me. I'm the worst with updates, but these people have stuck through not one, but TWO I'll Protect You stories, both of them with mediocre writing, but they gave their dedication and their time to read and support me, so I'm just unbelievably thankful for these guys.

Any hobbies?

Nghi: I hike when it's sunny. I carry a bullet journal. I stress clean and organize everything. I write. I bingewatch tv shows.

Any pets?

Nghi: I have one dog and four cats.

Which story of yours do you have the highest hope for? Or do you love them all equally?

Nghi: I do have the highest hopes for The Royalty Series (IPY, IDY, and IFFY) because it's these stories that I've dedicated a lot of time, energy, and planning into. However, I do have another story up my sleeve that I hope will garner just as much attention as those stories did.

And that's it! Stay tuned for the next interview :) Have a nice day y'all <3

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