v. @HonorInTheRain

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Special thanks to @HonorInTheRain for making this possible! :) You may also know this author from the Watty award winning book "In 27 Days".

What is your name and age?

Alison: Hello! My name is Alison, and I am 21-years old.

Something you're very passionate about?

Alison: I've always been passionate about writing. I began writing at a young age - probably five or so - and I have no plans to stop anytime soon.

Why Wattpad?

Alison: I decided to join Wattpad back in 2011 because it seemed like a fantastic new platform to establish yourself as a writer with the ability to share your work with readers all over the world.

What was your very first story written about?

Alison: My very first story was actually about a frog King and how he ruled over his frog kingdom, which was actually our front yard. If I remember correctly the story didn't actually make much sense, but my mum still kept it.

Your emotions when you first received the Watty Award for your amazing book, "In 27 Days"?

Alison: I was so unbelievably shocked when I actually won the Watty Awards, I think I was screaming and jumping around for a solid hour or so. The fact that so many readers enjoyed the story is still so unreal to me.

What would you like to say to your readers?

Alison: I've always liked to thank my readers any chance I get. I wouldn't be where I am today - on my way to getting officially published! - without them. Their enthusiasm for my writing is honestly what keeps me going.

Any pets? If any, do they help you write?

Alison: I have a dog, two cats, and two rabbits. Mostly my cats like to sit in my lap while I'm trying to write, which is sweet but also a wee bit annoying.

Cappuccino or frapuccino?

Alison: Definitely frapuccino.

Speaking of drinks, are there any that calm you down?

Alison: I love peppermint tea. It's my absolute favourite.

Any place you go to when you want to think?

Alison: I usually go for a walk around the neighborhood whenever I'm feeling stressed or I'm planning a new chapter to write. It never fails to bring me some sense of peace.

Your favourite book? (Within or outside wattpad)

Alison: My favourite book - or rather series - has always been Harry Potter. I'm a Gryffindor gal through and through.

Any upcoming new stories?

Alison: I don't want to give too much away, but I'm always writing something new it seems!

Planning to publish any of your works?

Alison: So actually, In 27 Days actually is being published by Blink/HarperCollins! It's set to be released July 25, 2017. You can totally head over to my author website, alisongervais.com, and pre-order it right now!

It was an honor to interview you Alison! We apologize for the delay in time but this should certainly make up for it. There have been some issues but this project has a new admin and we will both make sure that the content is delivered on time. Stay awesome people!

-The team

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