Chapter Sixteen

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<We are reached 1K!!!! THAT IS SO FUCKING AMaZINg I DOn'T BELIEVE THIS! I just want thank all of you for reading my awful writing and for just finding this story and not quitting reading after the first chapter thank you>

I open my eyes to see darkness, its already night. I fell asleep on Brendon's chest not even noticing it. I look at Brendon, his asleep. I close my eyes again and continue to sleep.

I wake up, sun is too bright. The weather is amazing, sun is shining bright, light blue sky. I stand up and realize that Brendon wasn't next to me, i look around and see the guys talking while they were sitting at the table.

I wave "Hey guys" I yawn "Hey beautiful" Brendon smiles and greets me whit a kiss, i soon notice that there was Alice sitting next to the guys "Hey" I say quietly "Hello" She awkwardly looks down. "So what are you guys doing anyways?" I sit next to Brendon "Just talking, about the tour... and stuff, yeah" Dallon says whit a weird tone like his lying. "Hey, babe can you please get me a beer?" Brendon asks "Yeah, sure" I stand up and walk to the mini fridge.

I get Brendon's favorite beer and walk back to the boys. I sit back down and give Brendon his beer "Thanks" He smiled "Welcome".

After the 'talk' guys spilt around. Only me and Alice are left at the table "Soooo..." Alice starts playing whit her hair "So how are things going with Kenny?" I look down "Awesome, i hope its gonna work out like you and Brendon" She scratches behind her neck "Yeah..." I look at my hands, she mumbles something.

Then finally she speaks "We should go on a date!" She speaks a bit louder, i look at her silent "Double Date!" She giggles "Yeah... Sounds cool i guess" I look at her, she seems really excited.Too excited.

Why is she acting like this? she hasn't changed, has she? No of course not what i'm even thinking about. She always was mean and rude to everyone and hated me, it's probably another plan of hers to steal Brendon away from me. I'm just gonna play along.

We have couple of days left till the end of the tour, it will be amazing when we get back because i miss Y/BFF so much, but i'm still gonna miss this
tour. Brendon proposed to me on this tour, of course i'm gonna miss it.

-Time Skip

I stand there watching Brendon as always. I hear crowd cheering more then they always do, I cheer from the backstage. My phone vibrates so i look down, text from Y/BFF.

- Hi!!! I just saw the video! couple of days my internet cut off and i was so freaking pissed, but now i saw the news! CONGRATS! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!

           Thank you so much! I'm coming         home tonight and i will be already home tomorrow! I am so excited! -

- We all miss you here! Snapchat me the pics and vids from the concert! 😘

                                                         💕Kk -

I go into Snapchat and start recording stuff from the concert. Soon the concert ends "Thank you so much! This is the last concert of our tour! Bye!" Brendon comes back and kisses me, i kiss back.

-Time Skip

I look out of the window, the bus is stoped. Its back to moving after couple of seconds. I look next to me, Brendon is still asleep, his head is on my shoulder. I look out of the window again, then get a text.

I carefully pull out my phone from my pocket and look down at it. Time 7:32. A text from Y/BFF  'Hey are you gonna be back soon?' The text says.  'Almost' I respond.

The car stops, no moving. I wait for couple of seconds, still no moving. I moved a bit so i could see whats going on. Kenny comes out, he was sitting at the front "Bus is stuck" He sits down next to Dan "What?" Dallon stands up and walks to the front. Shit.

Our wheel is stuck and now we can't move. I pull out my phone again and text Y/BFF. Brendon is still asleep whit his head on my arm.

Finally, the quietness breaks. The bus starts to move a little "Guys, i think we're fine" Kenny comes out again. After those words, bus really does start moving.

I put my headphones on and start listening to my favorite song. Brendon starts snoring. I quietly giggle and carefully pet his head. I'm so lucky.

Brendon wakes up soon, i told him what he missed, I kiss his cheek and smile. I look out of the window and see familiar buildings. We're home.

I hold Brendon's hand till the bus reaches my house. I stand up and kiss Brendon, then grab my bags and say goodbye to everyone. I leave the bus.

I'm outside, my beautiful house. I missed it, so much. I ring the doorbell "Coming!" Y/BFF's voice can be heard. Footsteps. Door opens, Y/BFF is standing in front of me "I missed you!" She throws her hands around me, i hug her back "I missed you too" I laugh. The hug was long, way too long like a minute. People on the street were giving us weird looks, but we didn't care.

I run in my room and throw my bags everywhere, then jump on my huge bed. I start rolling on the bed for two minutes then stand up and smile. I sit up, then quickly the door opens "Are you hungry? what happened at the tour? except you getting engaged!" She giggles and sits down next to me. Hug.

Next Morning.

I wake up whit a sound of alarm. I sit up, what happened last night? why is it so blurry? I can't remember anything. I stand up and go downstairs seeing Y/BFF laying on the couch. "Wh-what happened last night?" My voice starts to shake "Ah! You're awake!" She stands up "Yeah?" I scratch behind my neck "We went to a party" She begins.

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