Chapter Seventeen

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(Lets just take a moment to appreciate  Brendon's beautiful arms)

Doesn't sound good, did i get drunk? did i cheat on my boyfriend? what did i do?! "Calm down" Y/BFF realizes that i'm nervous by my facial expression "You just got a little drunk and..." Y/BFF stops speaking "What? Did i... Cheat on Brendon?!" I start sweating "No, no" She walks to the kitchen "I just..." She grabs a cup and fills it whit water. "Just what?" I get scared "You started telling a guy that you love him" She drinks the water "What?! I did what?!" I start face palming. "Yeahhh... And then you called Brendon to come over and then fan girls came and then the guy you told you like started fighting whit Brendon..." She sits on the couch "Oh my god, Oh my god!" I get even more nervous and decide to call Brendon again.

I wait for him to pick up, but no. No answer. I call him again, still no answer. I walk to the sink and get water, then drink it. I check my phone couple of times maybe he called back.

I look at Y/BFF "And? what did you do at the party? did you do something embarrassing as i did?" I ask her "I don't want to talk about it" She grabs her phone and starts texting someone. Seems like she did something weird as i did.

I ask Y/BFF who else was at the party, she says she doesn't remember, but i think its a lie. I call Brendon again, finally an answer!

"Are you okay?!"
"I guess? C-Can you come over?"
"Yeah, of course"

I hang up and go to Brendon's house. I knock on the door, he opens the door after 5 seconds. "Hi" I hug him "Hey" He hugs back, i walk in.

I sit down on the couch "I barely know what happened yesterday, can you please, please explain what happened?" He sits next to me "Well, you kinda told a guy that you love him and then you called him to come over then my fans came started crushing the party and then  the guy tried to punch me" He holds my hand "Oh my god, Brendon i'm so so so sorry! Are you okay? did that guy punch you?" I hold his hand tighter. "Its fine, yes and no, he couldn't. I dodged" He smiles.

I'm so glad i have him, he didn't even get mad at me. I stay at his place for a bit. Me and him kiss most of the time, then i leave. We kiss one last time "Love you" I kiss him again "Love you too" He kisses me once again "Love you more" I kiss him "No, i love you more" He kisses my cheek.

After an hour of doing that i finally leave. I open my door and see Y/BFF talking to someone "Hey, who are you talking to?" I ask her, but she doesn't  answer, she just leaves the room and walks into a different room

I sit down on my couch and scroll through social media. Twitter, then Snapchat and last Instagram. I scroll through my feed on Instagram, but get interrupted by a notification 'Brendon Urie Is Live' I quickly press the notification which makes Brendon
appear in front of my screen. "Hey guys and hi Y/N" He notices my name in the chat and smiles at us. I can't help, but do the same.

I watch his livestream for a while, exactly half an hour. Then stand up and get (F/S) (Favorite Snack) from the kitchen, then walk back to the couch and sit back down. I open the bag of (F/S) and started eating it, while watching Brendon do random shit and laugh.

Suddenly someone asks in chat about me 'Hey how are you and your future wife?' I read the question myself, then does Brendon. "Hey, how are you and your future wife? She's fine i mean she is watching right now so ask her yourself" He chuckles.

That questions causes lot of other question similar to last question appears. Brendon just says lovely stuff about me and talks about how much he loves me, pretty (ODD.) sweet.

Quick Announcement : I Might Release Another Brendon Urie x Reader Story. I'm Gonna Talk Much More About It On The Next Update. So If You Don't Want To Hear About It Just Skip Next So Called Chapter. The Writing Will Be Better Then Here Because This Was The First Story I Have Ever Written. Thanks For Attention!

His Instagram live ends. I stand up and get my empty bag of (F/S) and throw it away.

- Time Skip

I wake up and get quickly dressed. I run to the kitchen and get my pizza, why did i run to the kitchen when i just woke up? oh well, i was extremely hungry. I mean thats what i do every day, but now i was super,super hungry.

I finish eating pizza and stand up to look for Y/BFF. I didn't find her, but instead i found a latter from her saying that she left and that i shouldn't look for her.

I re-read the latter again. I go back downstairs, sit on the couch and start watching my favorite tv show.

Half episode in, i get a text. I look down at its from Beebo 💞.  'Hey, Y/N i got something planned, i'll be at your house soon. Get dressed nice, i mean you always dress nice 😁' The text said. I run upstairs and rush into my room. I pick out the prettiest dress i see in my wardrobe. (If you don't like dresses just wear what you like)

I run downstairs as i hear the doorbell. I quickly open the door and see Brendon smiling. "Hey" I smile "Hi, i just wanted to, i don't know. We never really went on a real real date, so i planned a date for us" He scratches behind his neck and keeps smiling. "What? B-Brendon you didn't have to" My voice shakes "No, no, i seriously needed to, so we're going to a French restaurant. I don't know if you love French food though if you don't i could-" I cut him off "No Brendon, i love French food" I kiss his cheek.

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