Chapter Nine

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( First of all thank you for reading we have reached 90! reads! thats amazing! thank you so much this story was written by me for me and no one else but i published it and i'm glad you like it )

I wake up and see Y/BFF at my door, i open it. ''Why the heck theres Brendon in our house?'' She asks looking at the stairs. ''Uh... Last night he called me and asked me if he could stay here and i said yes i'm sorry i should have asked you first, but he called really late and you were asleep.'' I explain and see Brendon sleeping on the couch, so cute. ''Fine'' She says and walks back in her room.

Beebo's POV

I wake up and stand up, i see Y/N coming down the stairs. ''Morning Y/N'' I look at her, she smiles ''Morning'' she walks to the kitchen ''Want coffee?'' she asks ''Yeah, thanks'' I answer and go into the bathroom. I walk out, Y/BFF came downstairs ''Hey Brendon'' she says and walks into the bathroom ''Hey'' I walk to the kitchen, Y/N gives me my coffee. She kisses my cheek ''Love you'' She smiles ''Love you too''. ''You Two Are Gross'' Y/BFF walks out and grabs an apple, bites it and grabs her backpack '' I'm going to work Bye Brendon, Bye Y/N'' Y/BFF opens the door (HAVEN't YOU PEOPLE EVER HEaRED OF CLOSING ThE GODAMN DOOR NO?! sorry .-.) ''Bye'' Me and Y/N say, Y/N walks to the door and closes it after Y/BFF.

Y/N looks at me whit a serious look ''So what really happened yesterday?'' I look stressful ''Nothing important'' I kiss her cheek. ''Brendon don't lie'' she stares at me ''Fine, My friend... well uh... Girl friend invited me to hang out whit her and i said yes, but i left my phone home i know i should have said it but i didn't have time i'm sorry'' I say and look down ''Thats it? i know theres something more'' She asks like she knows ''Well she asked me out and thats it, i said no of course and i said i just wanted to be friends whit her''. ''Fine then'' She smiles and gets that serious face off.

''Glad thats its only that, so who exactly is she?'' Y/N asks and drinks her coffee,''Sarah'' i answer. Sarah was my long time friend she liked me but i didnt have same feelings for her. I told her that i'm in a relationship at the moment well... she didnt take it that well. ''Hm? okay''.

''I should go now, thanks for having me'' I kiss Y/N ''always'' she smiles, we walk to the door she opens it we kiss again and leave.

(sorry for not changing POV's a lot)

I close the door as Brendon leaves. I wonder whose that Sarah, is she pretty? is she cute? is she nice? is she better then me? probably. I sit down on the couch and just scroll through social media, nothing important until i find that ''Sarah''s instagram i scroll through her posts and see couple pictures whit Brendon. Were they a thing? i look at the captions, nothing. Weird i'm gonna ask Brendon about her later.

Y/BFF comes back home. ''So whats up?'' She asks me, maybe i should ask her she was Brendon's number one fan... is still she would know. ''Do you know every girl Brendon dated? was one of them Sarah?'' i ask and rub back of my neck ''Nope, Brendon was never dating someone named Sarah'' Y/BFF quickly answers ''Why?'' She questions me ''Just wondering''. Y/BFF looks at me whit a confused look knowing i was hiding something ''What did Brendon do?'' she asks and looks down on her phone. ''Nothing'' I smile ''There! i found a girl Sarah looks like she is Brendon's childhood friend'' She finds the info about her on her phone. ''Okay, thanks'' I thank her and sit down on the couch.

-No but, really why did you ask?
-Its nothing.
-Did Brendon say anything about her?
-No, she asked Brendon out and Brendon said no i was just wondering who she was
-Hm? okay? i knew it was something whit a girl tho, i told ya

Time Skip

I'm laying in my bed scrolling through social media and eating my ___ (favorite snack). I hear knock on the door, i stand up and go downstairs i see a blonde girl, the one that looked like the girl that Brendon kissed ''Uh hello?'' I look at her confused ''Hey, just wanted to let you know to get away from my husband Brendon or else...'' She says looking mad ''Uh... what? i'm confused who even are you?'' I'm still confused of who this person was ''Brendon's future wife, were engaged now leave him alone and who i am? its none of your business'' She says looking even more mad, she was looking sweet at first but now uh... ''What....? I think you have wrong address.'' I was about to close the door until ''Y/N!'' She says and makes me stop, i stay silent ''Your Y/N right?'' She asks. ''Yeah, thats me'' i say confused as hell ''Then i got the right address'' She is about to say something more but i close the door in front of her nose ''Bye'' I say and walk upstairs.

I grab my phone and text Brendon ''Hey a girl just came at my door and said that i should get away from her husband, what the fuck?'' I sent the text still confused of what just happened ''How did she look like?'' I get a reply from Brendon ''Blonde hair'' I eat ___ (favorite snack) and wait. ''Olivia. Oh god i'm gonna talk to her sorry about that'' he replys after he sees the message.

''Y/N!!!'' I hear Y/BFF yell my name, i come down stairs ''Who was that at the door?'' she asks. ''Oh that? no one interesting, why where you waiting for someone?'' I say and look down my phone to check the time, its 8:46 PM. ''No, just... maybe''. ''Wait what?! Who are you waiting for? a guy? do i know him? is he handsome?'' I ask bunch of questions at once ''Yes,Yes and yes he is'' She answers questions at the same time. ''Who is he???'' I ask.

''Someone'' Y/BFF smiles and starts walking to her room ''Fine don't tell me'' After couple minutes Y/BFF is getting dressed in her room, she has music so loud. I'm on the couch texting Brendon.I hear a doorbell, i stand up and open the door ''Hey Y/N'' Dallon smiles at me '' Hey Dallon, come in''. ''Is Y/BFF gonna be ready soon?'' He asks ''Yeah, where are you two going?'' I say and walk to the kitchen. ''To the movies'' Dallon sits down on the couch ''Want coffee?'' I look at him ''No thanks'' Dallon gives me his bright smile, well he always dose. ''So is that gonna be a date?'' I ask and make myself coffee, look down at my phone and keep texting Brendon ''What? no, its gonna be friends just hanging out'' He says so i wont get any ideas ''Yeah everyone as friends hang out ALONE''.

Y/BFF comes downstairs ''Dallon?! Y/N you didn't tell me he came! i'm so sorry for making you wait for me'' Y/BFF apologizes to Dallon (btw Dallon is single in my fan fic so deal whit it). ''Its fine so lets go?'' Dallon asks ''Yeah'' They leave i keep texting Brendon.

-Bren i think Dallon and Y/BFF like each other!!!
-What? no way
-Yeah Dallon just came over and he and Y/BFF are going to the movies RIGHT NOW!
-It would be awesome if those two become a thing
-Yeah! double dates!!! 👫 👫

I keep texting Brendon for hours and hours, i hear a doorbell. I open the door and see Y/BFF ''So how was the date'' I ask right away, Y/BFF walks in ''What date?'' She says and goes in bathroom to take off makeup leaving the door open so we could still talk. ''You know, whit Dallon'' I giggle and put my phone on the table. ''What? No. It wasn't even a date'' She takes her makeup off and walks out of the bathroom ''Sure, sure i know you like him'' I sit down on the couch ''Is it that obvious?'' she sighs ''Well i'm your bestie and i know how you act around the guys you like'' I shrug and look at my phone seeing the time its 11:6 PM, seems like they spent long time together.

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