Chapter 9: Is this my last chance

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Saint Petersburg Castle
Yuri's P.O.V
I don't know what happened
Suddenly it was over
The feeling of his hands on my waist
The nice smooth feeling of his lips
The warmth his body was radiating
It all left like a leaf getting blown away by an incoming breeze
The wave of emotions I was feeling from Otabek
I guess that Otabek wasn't feeling the same way.

I sit on the couch, my breath taken away and my body unable to move. It's like he casted a spell on me. I grab the two books, the one Otabek picked and the one I picked out and started walking to my room. As I pass the dinning room, I hear Mila ranting to Otabek about her wedding plans. I really want to punch her in the face. But of course, I could never do that. I continue walking to my room, not caring about Otabek and his lover. I plop down on my bed, grabbing the book I picked out and started to read it.

"The tragic tales of Sirens and Mermaids."
The title read
The cover is dark blue
There is a gold rim, just one inch from the edge of the book, outlining the whole thing
And in the center of that rim laid the title
The one that baffled me
Why would it be tragic?
We've done nothing to the land folks.
As I flip through the pages, the information in this book is all wrong

"Sirens sing to lure men out of their ships, then they drag them under water and feed on their blood and flesh."

"As the sailors are distracted with their beauty, some will sneak around the other side of the ship and start sinking it."

"Most sirens are women, but if you happen to run into a male. Run, they are not to be trusted. They are the most dangerous."

What is this! This, this book of lies!

I slam the book shut and throw it across the room in a fit of rage. I don't know if the book is making me upset or the current situation I'm in. I have until sunset tomorrow, and it's not even going to make a difference! Whether I have days, months, or years. He will never love me! I'm just a distraction from his everyday life. I'm nothing to him. I want to see Yurri and Victor. I want them to tell me everything will be alright and that we can work it out. But of course my luck is never that good. Their probably at home, with Phichit, worrying their tails off about me. I lean back onto the pillows of this bed, turning over on my side. What the hell am I supposed to do. As I roll over, I see the book Otabek picked out for me. I grab the red book, with the title reading

"The White Fairy and The Dark Knight"

I flipped to the first page and started reading

Once upon a time, their was a white fairy named Yasmine. She was a beautiful fairy, lean and fair, but strong and cunning at the same time. Her eyes sparkled like snow and her long blonde hair just spoke for its self.

One day while she was flying through a forest, she found a knight. He was sleeping against a tree, his horses tied close by. His helmet was next to him, and his hair was slightly in front of his face. His raven colored hair blowing in a breeze. His shinning silver armor in the sunlight beaming through the leaves of the trees. Yasmine flew over, transforming into a human size and creeping towards the young knight. As she was just a few feet away, he slowly arose form his sleep. When he saw the young girl, he didn't even notice the wings folded behind her back. He asked her why she was so deep in the forest by herself. But as she looked the young man in his brown eyes, she was lost in a trance and-

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