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1:00 pm

Your POV

   I've been her for at least an hour trying to stand but i think my leg is broken. I began to think what's the use of trying i mean it's not like anyone is gonna come save me and bring me to the nurse's office. I would like that to happen though...The cuts hurt so bad and my body felt so numb. I kept looking back at the door hoping Mackenzie, (F/N) or (A/F/N) would come through it but....No body came. Every thing HURTS and all of it was sore. The heat of the sun just makes it worse and my bruises were everywhere.

 I started to cry which is something i have been holding back for the years i was bullied by Jennifer and Jessica. letting myself cry almost relieved the pain a bit. I finally sat up at least in a crawling position. I began to make my way to the door until it opened. "Aww she stayed her i wonder way" "Yeah- oh wait look her leg's broken" The two began to laugh. i knew who it was so i tried to stop crying but i couldn't. "P-Please J-Jessica J-Jen-Jenifer. I don't want to be hurt anymore. what did i do to deserve this?" I was begging to the reason i was alone . i was scared i didn't want more pain i just wanted this all to end. My eyes widened as i felt arms really warm from behind me grab me and teleport home.

I was in shock who? What? How? Why? I looked around the room to see my mother running in with tears in her eyes. Sweetheart are you okay?!" She looked so worried. "Sweetie say something!" I thought of words and said them without knowing "Mom i am scared" Her eyes widen as she noticed all the cuts and bruises on my. She ran out of the room i am guessing to grab some ointment and bandages. I looked around sorta happy mom was a doctor so she'll notice my leg in a second. i guess i won't be able to go to school. Mom came back and began rubbing the ointments on me. 

"(Y/N) what happened was it the two girls." i nodded not wanting to talk. 

You are lucky that young man brought you home" W-What young man.?I thought about my phone. I forgot to turn it off...Mom tried lifting my leg and i yelped in pan.

 "Mom! It's broken!!" 

"Oh dear..." She wraps a bandage around my leg till it looked like a cast.

 "Don't move it have a home x-ray." Really mom! Home X-Rays gee i guess it's extra one. She put the X-ray over my leg.

 "It's just a fractured it should heal in a week or two." I looked at her

 "Mom who was the young man?"

 "Oh him he seemed i bit too Jocky for me but he was in your school. HE said he saw you on the roof crying as the two girls came back. HE is still her you want me to tell him to come here." 

"Yes please" She walked away and i heard a nice soft tone of a voice replied. My heart pounded hard against my chest. The last time i saw a jock i got a beat down why would one save me? A tall boy with messy brown hair walked in with a red striped t-shirt on. He had sunglasses on and jeans. The boy walked beside me. "Yes (Y/N)?"

"how do you know my name?"

"Your mother kept panicking and saying it over and over."

"what's your name?"

"Brian" A smirk grew across his face. "so missy you got some witches on your bad side." 

"They're are witches." Tears rolled down my face i was weakened by the fact that i was hurt  by them.

"hey don't cry" 

"Why it's something i was doing before-" Wait how did i get here so fast. He didn't teleport me here did he? That is impossible!  "How did i get here so fast"

"You Blacked out when i picked you up"


Mom walked in again. "Brian thank you for saving my baby. How can i repay you?" She and Brian left and i fell asleep only to go into enter a nightmare...


   Darkness... Just Pure nothingness. I walked around almost as if i was blind till  it was white. I little think came to me with wings of pure black and it looked kinda cute.

  "what is hatred? What is blood? What is pain? What is love? What is murder?" It's words chilled me and i stepped away a bit "What are cuts? What are scars? What are knifes? What are Bullies?" I stared unable to move

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  "what is hatred? What is blood? What is pain? What is love? What is murder?" It's words chilled me and i stepped away a bit "What are cuts? What are scars? What are knifes? What are Bullies?" I stared unable to move. "Do you hate? Do you Bleed? Do you feel Pain? Do you feel Love? Are you a murder? Do you cut? Do you have Scars? Do you have knifes? Do you have Bullies?" That THING's wings looked like they were as sharp as knifes. "STUPID! UGLY! USELESS! WEAKLING! BRAT!" That words came form all angles. "Evil! BURDEN! ADOPTED!" I tried to cover my ears but they wouldn't shut up. Jennifer and Jessica stood in front of me and grabbed my arms making my veins turn black. "Stupid! Brat you can't hide" The Black moved up from my neck through my body. It felt like fire and it burned so very bad. The black reach my face and my vision was lost soon. I tried to scream i tried to yell. Nothing came out.. Like i lost my voice. I Was falling now into inky blackness and no way of escaping and the words where loader. Looking down and i am falling from the school roof into a crush death. Then i am sinking to the bottom of the ocean and all i can see is the sun shine through the water. Suddenly i am back to where i started. I see the Emo doll and now the wings were dripping. "You're depressed. You want to die...You want this to be you" The Doll disappears and i see myself hanged from the ceiling of my classroom where Jessica, Jeniffer and others and crying in fear. Mom walks into the area and cries too. "You want this to happen" the image was gone and i see myself running away from my life while everyone is looking for me. "You want to do this" I see myself outside standing in a pool of blood and a knife in my head with bodies around and mom sacred and afraid. "Do you think everyone wants that" "No" "so why do you think that" "I want to be free from the pain" Tears of blackness came form my eyes. "Then so be it." I turned around as the doll's wings stabbed me. i pass out from the pain.

"AHHH!!!" Mom ran in and hugged me. "call down sweetie it was just a nightmare" i couldn't make out much but "No it wasn't"

Herobrine X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now