The Miner

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  I saw the mysterious player. The first thing I noticed was his clothes. He looked like Herobrine but he wasn't. The second thing was the eyes that proved he wasn't him. The eyes reminded me of Brian's. "HEY!" the player yelled breaking me from thoughts. 

"what?" I asked bluntly.


 "Maybe I'll answer that later since you are being very rude-" 


"Why? what's in it" 

"That's none of your business." 

"hmm" I walked over to the player's backpack and began to look through it. "Don't be snooping in my stuff!" I saw he had a stack of diamonds, lots of iron, diamond armor, coal, food, and torches. I smirked maybe I can tease this player. I grabbed a diamond from his bag. "you've been really busy lately" I look at them holding the precious gem. 

"would be a shame if you lost this"

 "D-Don't you dare!" 

"You low on money or something or is this for your armor set you have in your backpack." Silence fell on the player. I could tell he was trying to think of a way to get out of his cage.

 "what's the matter?" 

"Grrr..." The player turned away from me. 

"What's wrong?" "

I dislike you"

 "Well maybe if you  didn't just break into my home  I wouldn't have done this" 

"This place is abandoned and I've been here before so when did you claim it?"

 "I built it. I just haven't visited this building for a while"

 "Sure whatever you say 'ma'am'"

I disliked this player's tone so I grabbed his backpack. "Well since you want to keep being rude to me might as well take this" I began to walk away when the player yelled back 


"Maybe I will if you tell me why you broke in!"


 He yelled standing facing towards me with the most irritated look ever. I walked back to him and put his bag down when stood in front of the bars. "Well, I was in the forest nearby with my best friends Alex...


Steve's POV

 I and Alex walked through the forest looking for big trees since we were low on wood. "Steven! Over here come look!" I saw Alex near a cliff that drops deep down. "Whoa" I mumbled as I walked beside her. "we should go down it I think I saw water at the bottom." I looked up at the sun with was clearly at it's highest point in the sky so it was noon. "Maybe we shou-" Before I could finish she jumped down and landed in the lake or pond. "WOW, THAT FELT SO GREAT!" I heard her yelling. Probably the adrenaline running through her. 

All of a sudden I heard screams coming from the forest behind me. It was loud enough so Alex should her. "Steve!! What's going on up there???" " I don't know"! I looked around me in panic "Just come down!" "Alex what if it's HIM!" "I can't be! we ran from our old home how-" "I have to find out!" I was about to run back into the forest when I hear blocks being placed. It was Alex using dirt to climb back up. "NOT WITHOUT ME" I sighed I couldn't leave her so I stood still till she got up. "Alright let's go!" She ran into the forest and I follow carefully. I saw a name tag which belonged to a player running and panicking. He ran past us as we saw the mess behind him.

Herobrine X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now