His World

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I need Help! If you guys spot any misspellings, Grammar problems and other things please please tell me. I'll correct it. Also, I was thinking of making something about Overwatch ships and The Haunted ships! Tell me your thoughts.



Your POV

        School is almost over and Brian hasn't woken up. I kept going back and forth with my last classes and Brian's telling them that Brian was here with Ms. Rose and I wanted to check on him. Still, He's an idiot for protecting me. I was fine they would have gotten tired. "(Y/N)?" I looked at Ms. Rose who just finished checking on Brian.

"Do you know his Parents? I don't believe he'll be able to ride the bus and he might not even be awake."

"sorry I don't"

"Oh," She looked worried. Sighing I remember mom's a Nurse

"Ms. Rose My mother can take care of him at my house. We have an extra room and she has medical experience"

"Alright, do you think you can get his stuff and your's while I call your mother?"

"Yes ma'am I just need his combination of his lock"

"Check his pockets" I walked to where Brian was laying peacefully and I couldn't help but smile. He looks a little cute in his sleep. I began to check his pockets. "Hey... You know if you needed anything you could have just asked me." Brian's weaken voice rang in my ear and I looked at him. "Oh, I didn't know you were awake! I am so sorry!" He chuckled "It's fine. Here" He hands me a small paper with the numbers 8, 5, 15 (if you count the Abc's using these numbers it's spelled'Her' I want it to be Hero but i can't do that sooooo yeah) on it. "How long was I out?" "4 hours" Brian looked shocked "4 hours?!" His eyes widened as he sat up and looked at me. I saw his eyes for the first time. They were and Blue-violet color. They were so unusual and unique. 'Is school over?' Brian broke the silence.

'Not yet. Not till my mom comes and picks us up.'

'Why? I am fine'

'Lucas and Aiden got you badly. Ms. Rose just wants your safety. Since I don't know your parents you can stay the night at my place'

'I'll be fine' 

'no, you will not! Brian you didn't have to save me. I could've-'

'You could have what?! You were broken- no nearly killed when I found you! I thought you were dead! Dare say 'you are saved or you can handle IT' you can't you are defenseless like a rabbit against predators twice your size!'

'And why do you even care about me!'

'I promised to your mother! She knew she couldn't help you since you have the principle's daughter and the mayor's on you! She can't help even she tried because she could lose her job or worse! She could lose you! I here to help you through this and you think you can handle it but you can't!' I saw tears roll down his cheeks 'She has to be there to help you. She told the mayor he wouldn't believe her without proof and then she has to ask the principle to get proof but she said no. She wants you to learn and she doesn't have enough time to homeschool you.'

Letting out a sigh as I left to get our backpacks. No one was in the halls everyone was in their classes. It felt nice. No one to bother me. I got into Brian's locker and saw a brown backpack. 


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Herobrine X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now