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One week later...
Your POV

I had started to heal from my broken leg and I can walk but no running. I walked to my bus stop and saw Brian already there waiting. Wait why is he here. Brian smiled and his clothes were different. Instead of that red striped jacket he had a blue sleeveless jacket with a teal t-shirt underneath. He had navy blue jeans on. Not only that he had on Gray shoes which made him look a bit like Herobrine. Speaking of that devil i haven't talked to him. I bet He is crazy. Brian spoke with his soft toned voice "you okay? I mean about your leg" I nodded with a small smile. "good! Anyways i am new he a bit and i just got my schedule i know you might be late but can you walk me to my classes?" Wow he asked that right of the bat. Smiling i nodded happily "Sure Brain can i see your schedule" He handed me his schedule and i was almost in shock. It was almost the same as mine but two classes. Once we get to school Brian just follow me to my classes other then 3 and 6 period He smiles "sure" 

Once we got to school We walked to Brian's locker which was close to mine but i didn't go there yet.  Brian had his shades on again which made me wonder if there was something wrong with his eyes. I just stared at him looking in his locker. i looked like a creep but i couldn't help but think. Is he blind? Can he see? Dose he have two eye colors? 

"(Y/N) you okay?" Brian was staring at me with binder in his arms. 


"better put your backpack away the bell is gonna ring soon"

"Right. Put my backpack away" I look at towards my locker and see that Jessica is there. Letting out a sigh i walk to my locker and opens it. "Hey there (Y/N)" I tried ignoring her and it worked well till i saw her talking to Brian. I saw blush on his face. is she flirting it him?! That lady is crazy cheating on Aiden?! Wooo she is in trouble. I saw that Brian was walking to me and i stared at him nervous if he is 'friends" with Jessica "That chick is weird" "You can say that again" Brian let out a small chuckle with was adorable. "we should hurry to class" he said smiling "Right" I quietly put my stuff away and walked to Science. I sat in my seat while Brian was introduced to the class. I heard whispers from Jessica saying "that's is the hottie i saw in the hallway. Too bad he is hanging with (Y/N)" Brian shoot a glare at Jessica as he sat down in his seat which was near the end of the room. So we couldn't talk until the end of class. This is gonna be a long day.... 

(At Lunch)

I sat in my spot in the Cafeteria and Brian followed. 

"So (Y/N) This is where you sit?" 

"Yeah. everyone hates me so i sit her away from everyone" 

"I thought other people would hang out with a pretty lady like- I-I mean" His face turned red and i couldn't help but laugh.

 "Hehe You can't flirt well can you?" He just shock his head.

 "Well it's fine i can't flirt either" Brian had a smile growing on his face. 

"Anyways (Y/n) what do you do for hobbies?"

"Gaming on minecraft i am pretty skilled at it" 


"Yeah. I have a question for you? What's with the sunglasses? Trying to act or look cool or something?" 

"OH those are nothing they just help my eyes"

"Well can i see your eyes?"

"N-No I can't show you sorry" 

"It's fine Brian." I pulled out my phone and got on to minecraft and join Herobrine's world. I spawned right where i left it at my house. Going into my chest i saw everything was moved around then i last checked. Looking around I was looking for Hero and he was nowhere. So i walked out and headed to a forest to continue looking. Suddenly i heard and explosion behind me. I turned around and saw him on my roof. 

*"It's been so long (Y/N)"* Smiling i typed

 "Same bright eyes"  I could tell he hated the name because he chased me. I was laughing and Brian was just staring at me. 

*"You should play with me on your computer you know That world you have is amazing a lovely house too"*

 "My houses are crap Hero stop trying me make me feel better about them" 

*"I guess that is true"*


*"You should put your phone way almost time to go again"* 

"Right Hero. Thanks" I left the world right has he said something but i couldn't read it. I put my phone away "So you where having fun in minecraft eh?" "Yeah Br-" Aiden came behind me and pull my hair bringing me to the ground "Hey there Brat i see you're back to school eh?!" "Go away you jerk!" I stand up and runs off as Aiden chases me again.

Brian's POV

    This guys is an idiot of he wants to touch (Y/N)! I ran to my locker and grabs my 'pickaxe' out. Lucky for me (Y/N) Ran past me and Aiden was still following. I quickly hit him in the Head with the backside of the pickaxe. Aiden glared at me as (Y/N) turned around and stared at us. "What the hack are you trying to do here Brian?!" Aiden said. "I do not like you hurting my friend" "sorry but she's a weak target" "And sorry but y-"  Someone came behind me and grabbed my arms making drop my pickaxe. "Gahh!" Lucas tackled me to the ground and he held my hands behind my back. "Got ya" Lucas whispered as i struggled underneath him. I look at head of me and see (Y/N) terrified. What do i do?? They are going to hurt her again!      

      "(Y/N) RUN!!" She looked at me for a bit longer and Ran off. Hopefully looking for an adult. "She's getting away! Aiden Fol-" I struggled form underneath him and tried kicking him. "Hmm Aiden take of  his glasses" Aiden did as he was told and my White eyes were exposed. "What a freak" I let out a small chuckle. "You should say the same for yourselves" Lucas glared angrily "What are you talking about" I felt myself losing the good side of me but i had to control myself so not too much is revealed. Lucas had let go of my hands and i stood up to face them face to face. My eyes started to sting badly. Suddenly i heard gasps coming form the two as my eyes began to release  black liquid. "Ahh What the hell is wrong with you?!" *"I am just your worst nightmare"* "Get the away from me!" Aiden charged at me and punches me or at least tries to. I dodge each punch he threw. While Lucas came behind my and had me in an arm lock. Aiden kicked me down on to the ground. "ahaha! Weakling" They both said and laughed and reached for my pickaxe and jabbed it into Lucas' leg and then Aiden's *"Back stabbed so easily... You peasants are lucky i am sparing for now. But lay a single finger on (Y/N) and you will pay!"* Suddenly my vision blurred and everything turned black. 

I woke up in the Nurse's office and i heard Lucas and Aiden in shaken voices yelling at (Y/N). 

"Who was Brian?!"

"You are being confusing Aiden maybe that wound is just getting to your head-"

"No! Brian's eyes bleed black blood!"      

"Yes and his eyes were pale white with no iris at all!" 

"Silly only Herobrine has eyes like that"        

"Herobrine?!" They both said seeming startled. Ms. Grace (Principal) and Ms. Rose (Nurse)  "Boys i can not believe you would hurt and innocent lady like (Y/N)!" "Ms. Grace I was sent to do it! Jessica and Jennifer did it" "(Y/N) Is this true" "Yes" "Well if i were to see you or hear you were hurting someone your parents will be called." "Yes ma'am" Lucas and Aiden must have left the room since i heard footsteps. Ms. Grace left as well. (y/n) Must me worried. "That young man is strong" "Yeah" " i am glad he is protecting you." "me too" Protecting? I couldn't help but smile. (y/n) walked beside the bed and i pretended to be out still. "i don'y know if you hear me but...You need to stop" what? Why  "You can't do this to yourself just for a pathetic person like me okay! If you get hurt it will be all my fault so don't protect me like i am your child or something. i can help myself Brian. Still....Thank you" She walked away and i just wish she knew who i really am. She is alone and she doesn't show it. I will stay her sword and shield no matter what she says.                            

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