A/N Sorry

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I already put this same one up on another story so if you already read this please you don't have to read it again.

I am so sorry i haven't been posting much but... i learned that i could be losing my family member who... is diagnosed with cancer... and she's not eating much. not drinking nor taking her pills. I never was fond of her since she is 106. It was awkward to talk to her. My family member are going there to be by her. My dad says she probably will die in a month.

I've never lost one before. It hurts... I can't even say bye to her since my dad has cataract surgery/ eye surgery. I hear him checking on her through calls and. i hate hearing it. My parents were saying about how she looks different.

The doctors can't but her through cemo thanks to the fact of her age. She could get worse if they do so. In my head i feel like they are making her die out. She's so old they can't do surgery on her. This happened to my grandma but she had ammonia thanks to water in her heart. She's better now but... three things scary in a row almost a month apart. Maybe a couple months but i just.. feel terrible that 2016 i saw here well... she held my hand. Even tho it was so awkward and weird.

So again for not posting... 

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