Confused Feelings

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Well, I've decided to do another story of shipping! Mchanzo/Mccree x Hanzo from Overwatch. Depending on how long that will be and how long this story will be I could be a Gency/ Genji X Mercy. Tell me your thoughts and Thanks for all the support on this story!!!

Herobrine's POV

  "You still care for me and Stevie don't you Brian?"

That question... Alex must have really hurt her head or this is a stupid question! Of course, I don't care for these two idiots! Notch has told them all his stupid stories about me and infested their minds with lies! Why would they even care about me anyway!?  Why would me Herobrine even care for them?! Alex must've noticed was taking a while to answer. "What's wrong Brian?" I felt angry beginning I boil inside of me. However, I bottled it up not wanting to make her fear me yet. "I do not care for you nor Steven. You shouldn't even care for me" I turned away ready to leave when I heard a small growling. "Excuse me..." Alex started "I really didn't eat anything before me and Steve left. Could I have something to eat?" I groaned and nod.

Of course, she had to be hungry! Ugh! Now I have to let her eat. "Portal!" A dwarfish size enderman which was the shorter then the size of Alex teleported in front of me. "Y-yes master?" "Please bring me some pork chops and water from the Kitchen." "R-right away sir" He teleported away and I heard a small squeal some from Alex. "AWWW that enderman is sooo cute!" "I suppose he is... 'cute'" "All he needs is a little bowtie and he'd be perfect!" She laughed a bit and something inside me enjoyed her laughing at my assistant but why? I don't understand! I hate this feeling. It makes me feel.. off. Just like being with (y/n). Ignore that vial human and focus on the task at hand! You aren't brian now.

 "M-m-master???" The little dwarf enderman held a small tray with the pork chops and water. "thank you" I said turning to Alex. "Y-you are w-welcome" I heard portal say as he teleported away once more. I stared at Alex who as staring back "Aren't you gonna uncuff me to the wall or feed me my food?" Arrogance I hate it. I snapped my fingers and just as the Collar was the cuff around Alex's wrist disappeared "Thanks, Hero" I gave her the tray and didn't say a word. I turned quickly and teleported away. I

I reappeared on my throne expecting Notch to come randomly and yell at me for scaring those Minecrafters. '3....2...1..' I heard my door open with a loud bang. "BROTHER!!!' Notch's voice rang through the room. I groaned and just glares at notch. "yes?" "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?!?" He stepped closer to me " I don't know what you are talking abou-" "STOP PLAYING STUPID BROTHER! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF MORE MINECRAFTERS! EVEN A YOUT- No correction youtubers" "those idiots were stupid anyways they needed a little excitement for their video" "EXCITEMENT?!?! YOU CALL-" Notch was clearly losing his temper but he still tried to remain in composure "You call nearly burn and burying minecrafters to death excitement?" "Yes?" "I can't Believe-" he let out a sigh. "You know that's bad" "Yes" I laughed at the fact he is trying to outsmart me as always. He's containing his anger but how much longer will he keep this up for? "are you even listening to me?" "oh, i am.. Just amazed at the fact you aren't at my neck right now. Always when we meet we have a fight I'm just waiting to beat your sorry little ass" "Excuse me???" "You heard me correctly. I know you aren't deaf brother"

I stood up and descended from my throne. "Hero do not test me!" He had one of his fists clenched tightly ready to summon his weapon. I smirked "Do not try anything foolish. You don't want Alexandra and Steven to be hurt now would you?" "You're still looking for them?! What have you done?!" "Oh nothing... Nothing yet," Ahhhh, at last, I can reign supreme over my brother for once. He always trembles when his 'Adam and Eve of Minecraft' are put endanger. "Leave them be!" "why should I? You treated them much like me still I became 'powerful' before I was a 'king'. Oh dear brother you told so many lies to your people do you not know how the story goes?" I heard him gulp down words he wanted to say "Right?" I tugged on one string Notch hates to speak of. I couldn't help me smile devilishly since he looked so pathetic. I was winning for once. "H-Hero... you lost yourself with pow-" I flinched picking up on a start of a lie and punched him in the gut "LIES!!!!" Notch went flying back against the wall and began to cough. "TELL THE TRUTH! or are you so filled with lies you can even see the truth in this"

 Notch stood up holding his gut summoning his hammer. Iron metaled but plated with diamonds, with spots of gold on it to symbolize out former relationship..... Our brotherhood. We both forage our weapons together and we mined the ores needed for the other's weapon. So I know how to destroy his weapon. He was glaring at me with his eyes filled with anger. "Even done this dance so many times brother why can't you just accept it that what I say is true!!!" He charged at me swinging his hammer. I teleported away last second and stood behind him. "You betrayed me because I could overthrow you with my power! You nearly killed me!! You took away a fraction of what I had! So we are almost even. So you can always beat me! that will happen no more!" I summoned my weapon with was the opposite colors then Notch's hammer. MY sword was forage with lava from nether. Small nether bricks for my handle with diamond around it. I charged at notch as we began our average battle but with a new reason. Past, our past with Steven and Alexandra when I was better.... good. 

Our battle raged on I heard my servants enter the room ready to attack Notch. I glared at them and gestured for them to say back. "What are you trying to do Hero?" Notch asked at our weapons collided "keeping a fair fight." Notch only chuckled in response before hurling me across the room. "Since when did you keep thing fair?" He summoned a sword and held it up to my neck. "Stand down Brian and stay in this hell hole before I erase you!" I laughed "I will always come back, brother!" I raised my hands to 'surrender' "so do it then" Notch pulled up the code... my code but before he could erase it my subject swarmed him 'killing' him. He can respawn like any other minercrafter can but he has his inventory even when in survival. "Thank you" All of the mobs bowed and returned to their duties. I walked back to my throne and sat to compensate more. 

 After a while, I had gotten bored of thinking about that girl, (y/n), Steven and Alexandra. wait... "ALEX!!!" I teleported to her room and looks around quickly. "Whoa, what's wrong?" I turned to see her sitting down messing with a loose nether brick.  "N-nothing" I breathed heavily, my heart raced but... I have no clue why I reacted like she was gone. I shouldn't care for her! Not like I care for (y/n)! No one! No one I like... no one... "Are you sure? You look like you had a heart attack Hero" I remained silent not wanting to reply to anything. Why? WHY?! I shouldn't feel like this I am a monster! Is this an effect of going to the outside world??? To aid that girl... that.. cute... innocent... UGH! I hate this! "Brian-" "DON'T call me that' Alex flinched back against the wall and the chains reappeared on her wrist. "I can't lose one of Notch's precious 'heroes'" I turned and walked out slamming the door behind me. "M-M-Master??' Portal stood in front of me shaking violently. "S-Sir would you like me t-t-to fet-fetch you s-s-something?" He is worried but terrified. "No thank you. Return to your living quarters and rest" He nodded and quickly walked away. He's gonna spy on Alex or me. I don't care. i need to rest.. my powers are drained. I walked into my room and crawled into my king sized bed Drifting off to sleep quickly.

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