Chapter 10 ♦ Kissed ♦

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Chapter 10

- Kissed -


*Tyler’s POV*


I heard a soft knock at the door, “Who could that be?” Echo asked looking up from her homework.

“Just keep doing that packet I’ll go get it.” I smiled jumping up. “Alex get up.” I said running through the living room to the door. My parents weren’t home so I wanted me and Alex to at least be at the door when our new sibling got here. Alex didn’t think my plan was a very great one and he just stayed planted on the couch.

“Okay,” I said swallowing my nerves as I turned the door knob opening it up to see Kaden standing on the doormat.  “Hey man,” I smiled offering my hand out to take his bag. I’ll admit it I knew he was going to be the one staying with us, I just didn’t tell Echo the small detail of his name, so it wasn’t considered lying because really, she never asked. “Come in,” I said motioning him to follow me, flipping my hair to side.

He nodded and followed me without saying one word. I think he was still trying to get this to make sense in his head. I mean you should have seen the way his eyes widened when he saw it was me.

I led him through the living room and Alex reached up a hand from the couch as we passed. “Hey man, I’m Alex, nice to meet ya’” he said groggily. Kaden just kind of smirked and nodded but I don’t blame him, Alex was of an odd breed.  

I showed him to the bedroom which we would be sharing and I knew Echo would still be laying on my bed with her nose buried in her textbook. I also knew that her being here wasn’t going to help with the awkwardness that already seemed to fill the room.

But I was happy to help him, he needed it. My mom wouldn’t tell me exactly why he needed it, I just knew he did and that was enough for me. I took one quick deep breath before swinging open the door to our room. Echo rolled over on my bed facing me. “I think question eight is a lie because I can’t find it any- Kaden?” Her eyes widened with confusion when he stepped out from behind me. “Hey,” she said as she stood up. “What are you doing here?” She then asked not fully catching on to the situation.

Kaden just looked at me, like he was still trying to figure out why he was here of all places.

“Come on guys,” I said ruffling the back of my hair. “Let’s not be awkward, it’s all good. Just friends helpin’ friends.” I said patting Kaden’s shoulder trying to assure him that this was cool and make it less awkward. But my plan backfired and only made it a million times more awkward then it was to start. But after a few head nods and some sign language Echo finally caught onto my hint.

“You’re living here?” She asked looking at Kaden with a huge smile.

Kaden just nodded, “I guess so.”

“That’s so cool,” She said pulling him into a tight hug. “I should probably get going, so you two have fun, I love you both,” she smiled brushing her lips against his. “Text me,” She nodded with her famous parting words as she slipped out the door.

Kaden was just looking down at the floor as if he had no idea what to say. He really was one very weird kid.

I set his bag on the floor next to the bed that was on the opposite side of the room facing mine. “We’ll have to share a room, I hope you don’t mind.” I said looking up at him.

“Nah, that’s cool.” He said finally looking up.

“My parents should be home soon, they had to run to my aunt’s house. Family emergency, so they should be back in the morning.” I sighed. “They really wanted to be here when you got here but this just came up and my mom didn’t have the heart to tell them you couldn’t come for a few more days.”

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