Chapter 20 ♦ No Matter What ♦

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Chapter 20

- No matter what -


*Kaden's POV*

"I love you Kaden, I really love you. And I'll love you no matter what you’re hiding. I promise you, I'm not going anywhere." Echo whispered softly as she wrapped her arms around me. I was only mentally aware of my surroundings and found it impossible to move. I was completely physically and emotionally drained from the day but I wanted to hold Echo as tight as I could, but that just wasn’t happening.

When I finally woke up completely, Echo was still lying on my shoulder. I couldn't tell if she was sleeping or not but I was too weak to move. I felt like my bones had turned to noodles, blinking my four hundred pound eyelids was consuming all my energy. Giving in to the weakness, I closed my eyes and relaxed letting my mind wander back into my dreams for a while longer.

Echo twitched and stretched across my chest causing my eyes to open back up. One of my nurses popped her head through the door and before I could focus my sights on her, she disappeared again. I was assuming visiting hours were past being over, but no one had asked Echo to leave yet so I didn’t really care.

My body felt incredibly heavy and I wouldn't have even been able to pick up my arms if I wanted.

All I really wanted was to be home again, and being able to move would be nice too. But if I were just home in my bed, I would feel a million times better.

The next few hours passed with Echo sound asleep in my side, and I relaxed in deep thoughts. When Tyler walked in, waking Echo who shot up ruffling her hair in a failed attempt to scratch her head.

"Hey man," Tyler said softly stepping out from around the door. "How ya' feelin?" he took a seat next to the bed and looked uneasy about something.

Echo just mumbled something I couldn’t understand and fell softly back to my chest.

"Tyler, I don't even care if you're in here I am going back to sleep," she stated more clearly. Looking up at me she pecked her lips to mine and nestled her head back into my chest. “But I do still love you,”

"Good," I coughed in reply to the both of them.

"You still pretty weak?"

            I nodded slightly in answer still having trouble finding my voice.

            "Well, you lost a lot of blood, so that explains a lot. I honestly thought you weren’t gonna make it kid." He shook his head. "I guess, I just got a little worried there for a minute.”

"We all did" Echo remarked in a muffled groan into my shirt. Her head turned up and she smiled at me sweetly "But you're not dead, and that is all that matters; right?"

"Right," I smiled back in answer looking down respond to see Echo’s pants where now green. "Wait, I thought you were wearing purple skinny jeans?" I asked, my voice shaking and almost a whisper.

"Oh, don't even get me started on that. Some freaking douchebag thought it would be funny to spill his drink all down the front of me and then try to clean it off me. With his tongue..." She shuttered. "It was not fun"

"I'm sorry" I laughed lightly trying to hide my sudden prang of jealousy.

"No, I'm sorry. I can't help but feel responsible. I mean, first of all, I never should have let you and Tyler wander off alone. I should have stayed with you like a good girlfriend-"

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