Chapter Four

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Chapter 4
 - Sour Patch Kids –


I had finally made it to heaven. I was walking through a vast, never ending field of wheat spotted with red flowers. Heaven. I had made to heaven. “Kaden,” I heard my grandmother, “It’s all going to be okay.” Her words began to sound more strained, weak and choked up. “I promise,” she was whimpering now. That’s when I realized it was my grandma who was speaking to me. It was my mother.

“Mom?” I wanted to scream but no matter how hard I tried, the sound could not escape my vocal cords. “Mom!” I tried again, still nothing. The field was silent. A great cluster of immense black clouds rolled over the land and the sky fell dark. Heaven didn’t feel so welcoming anymore. It felt more like Hell.

Trying to out run the clouds I began darting off towards the horizon. As I was running, I got closer to the edge of the wheat. It didn’t appear that it continued on but I kept running, I figured jumping off a cliff wouldn’t be so bad considering I was already dead.

The storm was close on my tail and it was a violent one at that. As I approached the edge my body began to tense up. I didn’t know what would be past that, maybe it was heaven. Maybe it was just a small three foot drop off and I would land safely with my grandma.

It was neither, a deep black pit. Filled with weathered souls, all of them trying to climb out of the pit. All of them screaming and moaning, begging for my help. A few of them reached for my ankles trying to pull me in with them. Madness, the entire thing was madness. I knew that I could either fall into Hell, or run back towards the storm. Hell is where a diseased soul like I deserved to be. But I wanted to feel the warmth again, the golden rays of Heaven.

So I turned towards the storm. I started running for the other end of the field. As I approached the other end I know expected this side to be Heaven. I was wrong again.

Peering down off the edge I saw a boy in a hospital room. Hooked up to machines and needles all poked inside of him. I didn’t care so much for the boy, as I did for the girl. She was weeping, sobbing, holding on to the boys hand for dear life. She was bawling hysterically staining the sheets with her sorrows. She pleaded with the boy, asking him to come back, begging with him to return to his body.

She was Echo. And the boy she was pleading with was me.

The monitor counting my heartbeats was weak. Almost a flat line, I had to decide now. Did I run away to the depths of Hell, or did I wait out the storm and go to Heaven. Or did I return to Echo. Everyone knew where I was now, so I would have to face the consequences of running away. But I would get to be with Echo.

I felt something behind me kick me, forcing me to fall head first into the hospital room. I hugged Echo tightly but she couldn’t feel me. Everything around me went a blinding white and the room began to vanish. I was screaming but still no one could hear me. I was left alone in this white nothing, and then everything faded to black.

I could hear a faint beeping, two, maybe three different patterns all going at once. Pain started to grow ever so slightly in my head. My bones became heavier and they adjusted to gravities anchors. Was I alive? Laying in that hospital bed? Was I with Echo again? I waited a moment before pulling air into my lungs. I took a deep breath through my nose as a reassurance I was really alive.

The ultimate test would be opening my eyes, I counted down for this one. At the count of five I blink my eyes open. Everything was blurring at first, someone sitting next to me stood up and got closer, I assumed this was Echo.

After a few clarifying blinks everything became clearer. Echo had tears still running down her face, I didn’t mean to cause her pain…I never wanted to hurt her.

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