Chapter 33 - Comfortably, Uncomfortable -

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Chapter 33 of MSL

*Did this on my iPad so the voices are like this*

The next two weeks dragged on very, very, very, slowly; with me and Echo watching movies, and sitting at her house. Nicole had gone back home and was planning on coming back in the summer, the night before she left Tyler wrecked one of the Wilson boy's motorcycles and snapped his wrist.

Laura had served John with the divorce papers and he was moved out by choice within the same hour.

And with my sixteenth birthday just two days away Echo would not stop following me around asking me what I wanted, who I wanted to come to the party, what kind of cake was my favorite, and just about every question you can think of.

"Kaden! Listen to me. You have to want something, you only turn sixteen once. And I mean, now you can drive. Are you gonna go get your license the morning of? Or after school?" Echo asked following closely behind me carrying her history textbook with her.

"Echo, why do you care so much?" I asked laughing. "It's really nothing, just another day honestly. I never really celebrated my birthday before so, why now?"

"You never really talked before either, so why now?" She shrugged.

Shaking my head I glanced down at her. "That one isn't very fair Minder."

"Uhhhh," She groaned hanging her head. "Don't call me Minder. That's what guys on the football team do, not you."

"Come on I just wanna be cool and fit in." I teased taking her textbook form her and stacking it on mine.

"I still think you should have a party, and I will get you a present. No matter what you say." She said firmly pushing the door open with her back.

"Whatever floats your boat." I sighed knowing better then to keep arguing because no matter what I would loose this battle.

"Yes!" she squealed skipping beside me as we walked home form school.

"But nothing too fancy, too big, or something stupid. This is the day that my parents declared "The Worst Day Ever" for thirteen years, nothing special really." I said almost as if I was begging her.

"Well it is defiantly in my calendar as "The Best Day Ever"" Echo smiled brightly.

"I'm sure it is."

"Wait up!!!" I heard Amber calling out behind us. Which was a bit odd to hear oh-so quiet Amber Lovely yelling. I mean honestly, she was so quiet.

Twisting around on my heels I saw her pulling Tyler along with her running towards Echo and I.

"Kaden," Amber was panting as she caught up to us. "The fall art show is on Saturday, they had to move the dates around because the teacher has a funeral to go to now. And you have to be there with me to present our entry."

"Wait, this Saturday?" Echo asked disappointed.

"Yeah, the twenty-third." Amber said not understanding where Echo was coming from.

"That's Kaden's birthday..." She answered clearing up all confusion.

"Well the art show is from five to six, then you guys can do whatever you had planned, but it's really important that he's there... I can't enter our painting alone." Amber explained to the very brokenhearted Echo.

"Yeah I understand. You guys had been working on your project for a really long time, and it's like 84% of your grade." Echo nodded.

"Yeah it just sucks that of all day's it had to be that one." Amber sighed.

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