Home Bound

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Do you know what it's like to be all alone?

Far away from all the family you grew up with?

Away from all your friends?

No one to talk to?

I can honestly say that I do. Yes I moved all the way to live with my "father" in the state "Where everything is suppose to be bigger", for a guy. That turned out to be cheating on me! Ha! How stupid could I possibly be? To move all the way from my wonderful life with my lovely mother...My brothers...My beautiful niece...My best friend and her beautiful daughter. Yes it is official, I'm fucking stupid. Now i'm stuck here till I get my diploma, which is still about 11 months away... And all I wanna do is go home...I have been here so far for 67 days, since a week after my Seventeenth birthday, and I cant do this alone anymore....

So, this is going to be my Journal, till the day when I finally go home, back to Missouri.  I have been here for 67 days already, but today is going to be day one of this journal, so try not get confused, join me on this crazy adventure?

Day 1.

4:23 A.M.

So, today I was on Facebook, and I got a friend request from my ex, right? Not going to name personal names here except mine, so, hmm...lets call him, Cale. sounds good right?

Well Cale and me dated a little over three years ago, and he just randomly stopped texting me one day..I cried for three days straight...I loved him, alot. He was always there for me, through thick and thin, ive missed him so much.

Okay. Well anyways, He added me and of course I nervously accepted it, I messaged him and I said:

 "Do you remember me..?"

Cale: "Briscoe's friend?(:"

I grinned like a little kid with a five pound bag of candy. "Ah, you do remember me."

Cale: "Yes I wouldn't ever forget you :) I was in love with you... You do know that right... Then when I got a new phone I lost your number and it killed me..."

gawking at my screen about to cry, "You were...?:("

Cale: "Yeah I thought I told you that and we never really broke up babe :)"

I thought you changed your number because you didn't like me anymore:/"

Cale: "No I got a new number because other girls wouldn't leave me alone..I'm sorry"

'Its okay:/ my life basically has turned to shit since like half a year after that so its okay..thanks for making me smile for once.."

Cale: "We need to hang out please I miss you so much... :'("

My huge grin turned to a frown, "I wish I could if I had a car...plus I'm all the way down here in texas, till I get my diploma in Febuary next year :(("

Cale: "Well I'm going to the marines after I graduate in a couple months"

" but you just said...Oh no..:("

Cale: "No I graduate in a couple months I don't leave for the marines for a couple years."

"Oh good, scared me then for a minute."

Cale:" I've been training with them and I'm sexii lmao :)"

" I bet lol :P concieded. :)Text me, my phones getting hot because of this stupid fb app. Lol"

Cale: "Kk"

Teasingly I quickly typed, "unless your busy for me:P".

- And that was the end of the Facebook talk, lol He did text me though. just once, so I think he fell asleep. cute right? He's pretty amazing. Though, im not sure where me and him stand in relationship terms. :)

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