Day 3.

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Day 3.

7:23 A.M.

I awaken out of my sleep by an abnoxious, "BEEP, BEEEP, BEEEP!" "shit" I muttered, my phone was dying.

I ran to my room and plugged it into its charger, I put the phone up to my ear to hear Cale still snoring lightly, I giggled softly. "Cale?" I whispered softly. All I heard was him grunt on the end of the line, something rustled against the phone then I heard a THUD. "fuck" I barely heard him whisper, the he said sleepily, " hello?". I giggled, "Goodmorning, sleepy head." I could picture him rolling his eyes, "yeah, sorry...I kinda fell asleep on you, but you fell asleep on me first, and It made me sleepy." he said laughing slightly. I smiled, "you know you snore in your sleep?".

I heard him cough hard and whisper, " WHAT?! no, I so didn't know I snored in my sleep. HELLO! its my body of course I know."

laughing hard, "Smart ass!" I half yelled.

sitting in silence for a second then I whisper, "im gunna go take a shower"

"sexy", he said laughing.

"bye perve" I laughed as I hung up the phone.

I I ran through the house smiling, ran and jumped in the shower.

Thinking of Cale the whole time.

  An hour later, I was out of the shower dress with wet hair. I was bored so I got on facebook, Figuring everyone would be in school, I pulled up facebook and saw I had 1,679 notification, "what the fuck?', I whispered. I clicked the tab and opened it, the were ALL from Cale. Oh my gosh, I thought. I scrolled down looking at what he had liked and everything, he had liked every post and every single picture I had on my facebook. As I finally got towards the bottom of the list I saw he post something on my wall, I clicked on it.

It read, "Mychelle, Will you be my girlfriend?"

I gasped and damn near fell out of my chair.

I clicked where it said comment, i thought hard before i typed...

"Yes Cale, i'd LOVE to be your girlfriend."

i smiled as i posted the comment.

Thirty minutes later i was sitting on my floor infront of my mirror curling my hair, and my phone started vibrating obnoxiously. I picked it up and smiled as i tapped the answer button,

"Hello Cale", i said grinning.

"Hello", he said laughing. "How is my beautiful new girlfriend?"

Blushing, "..urm, im good, curling my hair actually." i heard him laughing, i whispered "what?"

"Don't burn yourself now," he laughed harder. "your are the blonde one, babe." i laughed, he was right. I was VERY accident prone.

'HA HA HA..your funny.." i said sarcastically, as i burnt my finger...shit..stupid karma.

"So what would you do if i rung your doorbell right now?"

Confused, i said. "what?"

laughing, he repeated himself. "what would you do if i rung your doorbell right now?"

I stopped curling my hair and gawk at myself in the mirror, mortified at how terrible i look with my hair half curled and no make up on.

"Um, i think id cry because, i do say i look very...BAD right now."

i heard him laughing as i heard a car slam, which echoed from outside my room through the phone line. NO WAY, i thought to myself. IMPOSSIBLE.

I heard someone ring the door bell, terrified i pulled open the door and stood the gawking.


Bahaha, i never leave authors notes but im going to start what did you guys think? do you like the story so far?

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Mucho love,



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