Crack of Dawn

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The grass in the gardens of the Kou palace glistened in the early morning sun. The eighth princess of the Kou empire sat on the grass, weaving a daisy chain and humming softly to herself. 

"Good morning." The princess yelped and turned around, blushing. Kouha Ren tilted his head. "Kougyoku Ren, right?" the third prince of the Kou empire asked. The flustered princess got up before bowing and greeting her half-brother.

"Kouha, Kougyoku," a slightly surprised but warm voice said as the first princess of the Kou empire approached her stepsiblings. Hakuei Ren bowed and greeted them politely. "Ara, who is this?" she asked her stepbrother, having spotted an unfamiliar figure among the princes' usual harem of attendants.

"Oh! Just someone I found a couple of days ago," Kouha shrugged. Just then, a certain man approached the three siblings. "Please forgive me for interrupting your conversation, your Highnesses," Judal said, bowing exaggeratedly, a mocking smirk pulling at his lips as he addressed Hakuei and Kouha. "But Kouen-sama is looking for the two of you." 

He turned towards Kougyoku. "And Old Hag, don't you have your duties to attend to?" The pink-haired princess, slightly flustered, bowed and excused herself immediately.

Kouha followed his sister out of the garden, his new 'attendant' trailing at the very back of the group. Just before the attendant could leave, Judal put a hand on its shoulder and bent down to whisper something in its ear. Satisfied, he pat the attendant on the shoulder before letting it leave.

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