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There is a quick 'thunk' as the arrow sank into the bull's eye. "Great job! If that were my head, I'd be dead already," I say. (Y/n) lowers her bow. "King Sinbad, do pardon my directness, but shouldn't you be doing your paperwork right now?" she asks. "You don't need to be so formal with me. I hope you don't mind me watching you shoot. I like to know those who stay in this palace as well as possible," he says.

I've noticed the change in (y/n) during her stay in the palace. I may have been suspicious of her at first. Nevertheless, seeing how Ja'far has taken to her, she must be trustworthy. But I have to know more about her. After all, she is working in my palace. 

I've spent the whole week just thinking about how to approach her. Hm...she's still so different from all the other girls I know. Well, if I can't approach her the way I would a woman, I guess I can approach her another way...

"Sharrkan told me that you're pretty good with the sword. I want to see the extent of your abilities. I challenge you to a friendly fight," I say.

"No," she replies. I cry mentally. What did I do wrong? "King Sinbad, you should be doing your paperwork right now," she says. Oh. So that's what it was. "I'll do all of my paperwork for three months if you beat me. But if you don't, you'll have to do...three favors for me," I say. "Hai. I accept your challenge," she says after a few seconds.

We stood opposite each other in the courtyard. "This fight will be different. We're both allowed to use whatever weapons are available. Whoever falls to the ground first loses," I explain, waving to a few racks of weapons. 

Yamuraiha and Sharrkan stand together on one side. "Well this is interesting," remarks Sharrkan. Yamuraiha smirks. "I can't wait to see the look on Sinbad's face when he can't slack off his paperwork for three whole months." "Yeah...though I seriously doubt that (y/n) will win," says Sharrkan.

(Y/n) and I pick our weapons. Both of us choose swords.

"Start!" yells Yamuraiha.

I attack first. In one quick move, I disarm (y/n). Yes! I knew I could end this fight quickly. After all, I don't really want to hurt her...

Without even the slightest change in expression, she rolls to one side, grabs a few knives from the rack and throws them. I dodge, the knives embedding themselves into the ground. But something's off...

"You're going easy on me, aren't you? I know your aim is much better than this," I say. She does not move out of her stance as she says, "And you're going easy on me, King Sinbad." I smile. "Very well. I won't hold back," I say. I attack again but this time at my full speed so that (y/n) will not have time to pick up her sword.

The sound of metal against metal rings through the courtyard as she just barely blocks my sword with a knife. Quickly, she dives for her fallen sword. I lunge, prepared to block her with my sword (the non-sharp edge of course) but my weapon only meets thin air.

I whip around. She wasn't going for the sword! I kick her away from the weapons rack. Too late. She's already grabbed a bow and a quiver of arrows. Any hope that my kick would make her fall is quickly crushed when she lands nimbly on her feet like a cat.

I block arrow after arrow. Impressive. She can even shoot more than one arrow at a time. I must not let this drag on. (Y/n) is a master at archery. She'll hit me eventually. In the split second she takes to nock her arrow, I lunge forward and break the bow in one strike.

She has no more weapons. It's what I thought. She gets down low and sweeps her leg out. Wait. What is she doing? I have a sword. In a battle, her opponent might be able to cut her. But then again, she is fast enough to knock her opponent down even if she gets hurt. But I am no ordinary opponent.

I land a kick on her shoulder before she can sweep my legs out from under me. Finally, her back hits the ground with a thud.

"I knew it. (Y/n) is a skilled fighter but our king is not to be looked down on either," says Sharrkan.

I help (y/n) up. "Good job, (y/n). Your move might have worked on another opponent. But remember that a lack of self-preservation might leave some openings too," I say. Something changes in her eyes once she hears those words.

"Anyway, now you have to do three favors for me," I continue. "Better not be anything lewd!" yells Yamuraiha from the other side of the courtyard. Geez. Have some faith in me will you?

"First, stop calling me 'King Sinbad'. Just Sinbad is fine. Second, the Southern Creatures will be attacking soon. I want you to help fight them off. Third, come to the Mahrajan feast," I say.

(Y/n) blinks before replying with her usual 'Hai.'

Yamuraiha sighs. "It's too bad we won't be seeing Sinbad working on his paperwork for three months straight," she says.


I flinch. Oh crap.

Sure enough, when I look over my shoulder I see Ja'far's figure moving towards us in a way that reminds me of a very bull. (Author's Note: Sorry that was random haha.) He grabs the front of my shirt. "Sin. Have you done that paperwork that's due in five days," he asks, though it sounds less like a question and more like a threat.

"Oh come on. I can always do it at the last minute," I say. He squints at me. "If you think. That you can finish. All that paperwork. On the last day..."

Suddenly, he turns to (y/n). "Oh, (y/n). What are you doing here?" he asks. She shrugs. "The king challenged me to a fight, which I lost."

"Oh." Ja'far turns back to me. "You should have been using that time to work!" he scolds. "Okay! I'll do it now," I say.

"King Sinbad!" (y/n) calls as I walk away. "I told you to call me Sinbad," I say. "R-right. Sinbad-san," she says. Geez. I said just Sinbad. Oh well I'll let her take her time to get comfortable.

"Thank you for challenging me...and for your comments on my abilities. I look forward to using them to serve you," she says. I smile. "No problem, (y/n)," I say before finally leaving to do my work. 

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