Fall of Night

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The dark waves lapped against the sides of the ships that bobbed gently in the waters of the Sindria harbor. The lights of the lively parties often held by the kingdom had finally died, and peaceful darkness blanketed the island. Finally, for just a few hours before sunrise, Sindria was asleep.

The perfect time for an assassination.

The figure clad all in black silently ran up the palace walls past the guards. It ran nimbly and quickly from building to building until it saw a window with light shining through it. King Sinbad was inside his bedroom, one arm around a skimpily dressed woman, unaware of the figure watching him from the far opposite wall that surrounded the palace grounds.

"Good. I can kill my target from here."

Slicing the dark veil of night, the glinting arrowhead flew towards its target. However, the faint whoosh of the arrow was answered by the sharp clang of metal meeting metal. Dark clouds parted to reveal the moon's pale, silvery rays. A man with hair just as silver glared at the dark figure on the far garden wall, now illuminated by moonlight. 

The figure immediately jumped down from the wall and ran. "Sin! Get out of here! Tell the guards to lock down the palace!" yelled Ja'far before going after the assassin. Soon, the palace was alive with yelling and the sound of guards marching to their stations. Yamuraiha the Magician immediately cast a spell around the palace grounds to keep anyone from escaping.

The assassin was fast, but so was the king's right hand man. He chased the figure through the dark twisting halls of the palace. "Where is he going?" thought Ja'far. He stopped when he suddenly lost sight of the assassin. 

"What's this smell?" he wondered. He barely finished the thought before the entire hall suddenly burst into flames. Ja'far barely managed to run around a corner to escape the flames. He winced as he held his burnt and bleeding left arm. Escaping through the window, he realised that several other parts of the palace were on fire too. The assassin was trying to smoke Sinbad out! 

Yamuraiha immediately cast a spell to put out the quickly spreading fire but it was too late. Sinbad coughed as he and the skimpily dressed woman ran out of the palace into the courtyard where the assassin was already waiting for them. A completely black mask covered the figure's face as it let loose another arrow. A clang of metal as the arrow was deflected again by Ja'far.

He tackled the assassin to the ground. Once his opponent managed to kick him off, he was holding its bow, arrows and several other weapons. He threw some of them to Sinbad so that he could have something to protect himself.

Without warning, knives embedded themselves into the intruder's thigh, knee and ankle. A fourth knife shattered part of the assassin's mask. Ja'far pulled on his red wires, bringing his opponent down. The fallen figure could do nothing as more red wires shot towards it. The former assassin's grey, snake-like eyes glared at his target, aiming to finish it off... 

when the assassin grabbed the red wires and threw them back at him. Several red wires curled around the intruder's neck as two red wires snapped around Ja'far's left arm. He winced as he held on to the wires holding down his opponent, a pair of his own wires biting into his wounded arm. 

He pulled harder, tightening the string choking his opponent. "Don't you dare move. You'll choke to death if you do," he said coldly. 

The moon peeked out from behind the dark clouds again, a ray illuminating the scene. Assassin and former assassin glared at each other, tangled in red wire, smoke rising from the charred remains of the palace. Snake-like eyes met a single (e/c) eye revealed from behind the cracked black mask.

The pair of red wires suddenly bit even harder into his wound. Ja'far cried out and stumbled. "What the-" The assassin jumped, kicking off of his shoulders. Quickly, he pulled the wires around its neck tighter. 

But even as the assassin coughed blood, it pulled out the knife stuck in its ankle before using it to snap the red wire around its neck. Then, aiming towards the king's direction, it threw the bloodied knife.

The blade sank deep into its target's chest.  A single body fell to the ground with a thud. 

Ja'far and King Sinbad stared in shocked silence at the woman lying dead on the ground. Another thud echoed through the night as the assassin crumpled to the ground too, giving a final cough of blood.

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