Second Favor

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"Ja'far!" shouts Sin, barging into my room. Although I am already awake, he yanks the blanket away from me so hard I roll off the bed. I hiss at the sunlight blinding my eyes. "A Southern Creature is coming! We are having a feast tonight!" he announces. I sigh. He sure looks happy about the opportunity to slack off from his work. "(Y/n) is coming too," he adds before rushing off to call the others.

The Southern Creature shoots out of the water, splashing waves at us. I rub my eyes wearily, still tired from the awakening I got this morning. A particularly large wave soaks me before I can move away. I cough, wiping my face. "Great way to wake you up, isn't it?" teases Yamuraiha. "Oh shut up," I say. I hear a small laugh and turn towards it. (Y/n) immediately covers her mouth and looks away, disguising the laugh as a very fake cough. I shoot her a look. So she really did come. I was hoping for her to enjoy the hunting of the Southern Creature, not the sight of me spitting a mini fountain of seawater.

"Look! It's King Sinbad and his Eight Generals!"

"Come on! It's about to start!"

"Yay! This is going to be awesome,"

The people's joyful cheers resound through the fields when they hear us coming. It's amazing how Sinbad turned the attacks of the Southern Creatures into festivals.

"The ones who will take on the Southern Creature are Ja'far and (y/n)!" announces Sinbad.


Sharrkan told me that (y/n) had to do three favors for Sinbad because she lost the challenge. Don't tell me this is one of them.

The creature rears its shiny orange-gold head and shoots a boiling hot jet of water at us. We have to attack now. I dodge the jet of water and throw my knives at it, red wires coiling around the its mouth. I have to stop it from spraying water.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. (Y/n) whispers into my ear. "What?" I ask. The creature tosses its head and I lose my grip. This is an unbelievably resistant creature. Looks like I have to trust her instructions. I throw my knives at the points on the cliff that she pointed out. Before I can respond, she wraps a cloth tightly around her face, makes sure that the rest of her body is covered and runs up the cliff. She takes off her waistband and uses it to slide from point to point, dragging the red wires along with her. In less than a minute, a net like a giant cat's cradle is stretched across the cove. The monster thrashes in vain, caught in (y/n)'s net.

"Now!" calls her clear voice. "Bararaq Sei!" I shout. Blue streaks of electricity shoot along my wires. (Y/n), her hands safely protected by the cloth of her waistband pulls a wire around the creature's neck, severing its head. Where the monster's body touches the cat's cradle, it is sliced clean through.

Chunks of meat fall into the water, sending sprays of mist to the where the audience was watching. (Y/n) jumps back towards the land. I run towards her and get the air knocked out of me when she falls onto me. 


"Great job, (y/n)! Though the serving can be better. Well, it's nothing we can't fix," I say, gesturing to the people who are already using nets to drag the pieces of meat out of the water. 

Ja'far groans in pain while she gets off of him. "Thank you," she says. Then, she looks up at me. "I look forward to doing it better." The spark in her eyes startles me. It is a familiar spark, one that I have seen in many people who I have dueled with. Although (y/n) can be hard to read at times, I can tell that this is the look of someone who has enjoyed a fight. 

Author's Note: HI I'M ALIVE! Sorry for not updating for so long. I went abroad for vacation and it's been so hard to get good Wifi. Unfortunately, I am going to move to another place where the Wifi will probably be really slow. But I am going to try to keep writing and updating as often as possible. Thank you to all my readers ^ ^

Also, for the Southern Creature in this chapter, imagine something like the one in the picture but orange-gold instead of blue.

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