Aka Tsuki

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"Hey, can you grab the papers there for me please?"


I stand still at the door, gaping for several reasons: 

Reason #1: I think I just heard the girl talk. 

Reason #2: The sight of Ja'far working busily at his desk while aforementioned girl runs around helping him. 

"Oh good morning, Yamuraiha," greets Ja'far smiling at me for about 1.5 seconds before turning back to face his work. "Good morning," the girl says, bowing quickly in front of me before continuing to run around carrying piles of paper. I try to greet her back but all I could manage were a few noises that sound like a cat choking on two spoons of vegemite (Author's Note: This was an actual punishment during a game I was playing with my friends)

"I think you've helped enough. You can go with Yamuraiha now," says Ja'far. "Hai," the girl says in a very soldier-like way. I follow the girl a few steps down the hall in a daze before turning back. "Wait! Wait! What's all this? You...And Her? And she's healed! And...And..." I stammer.

"By the way, Yamuraiha-san. You can call me (y/n) from now on," the girl...I mean (y/n) adds. I mentally add to my list of 'reasons why I'm having trouble speaking first thing in the morning.'

Reason #3:  She just told me her name, and it's (y/n).

Reason #4: Wow I just didn't expect her to heal so fast. It's kind of weird hearing someone you thought was super quiet suddenly talk and work.

"Don't worry," Ja'far says to me. "I don't mind if she keeps on helping you arrange your spells and magic items."

"Okay...thanks," I say, my voice finally returning. 

I close the door behind me and start walking to my spells room with (y/n). The bandages were gone from her face and neck. When had she removed them? She looks fine. If she's still having any problems, I can fix her up with a few healing spells. 

Without the bandages, I can see her face clearly. I can see both of her (e/c) eyes and all of her (s/c) face. And that was another reason why I found myself tongue-tied again.

Reason #5: Over her right eye curls a crescent marking. A marking so red that it almost seems like it has been freshly carved into her face. A bright red crescent moon.

Author's Note: Thank you to all my readers! I never expected my fanfic to get this many reads/votes so thanks a lot :D Just in case you didn't get it, the chapter title 'Aka Tsuki' is a reference to (y/n)'s marking. 'Aka Tsuki' = 'Red Moon' I imagined it to look kind of  like Rin Tohsaka's command seal (shown above). I'm going to have my national exams AND my school finals so I'm sorry if I can't update too often. 

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