Chapter 2 {Acting so Different}

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Honestly though, can we just take a moment to appreciate Divide by it's amazing
Im late in sorry, but I fell asleep writing this💕

Will's P.O.V.

I wake up from my nap in Castle Byers and check my watch, 7:05. Crap. I bet my mom is wondering where I am. I can still feel the tear stains on my cheeks. I rub my eyes and stretch. I just want to tell Mike everything, and I've broken the biggest rule of friendship. I lied to my best friend in the entire world. I told him I was okay, and that nothing was the matter, when in reality I'm not okay at all, and everything is the matter.

First of all, I'm gay. I like boys, I'm queer, I'm a fairy, I'm a fag. I don't know why I'm like this, I was just born this way. I was born the wrong way, the bad way. I've tried to change, I really have. I've dated 2 girls, but every time I just haven't felt the way I do towards boys. I just can't change, even though I've tried. I like boys. Not just any boy actually, Mike Wheeler. My best friend. So I'm gay, I like my best friend, and I haven't been the same since you know what last year. Not only have I been throwing up these slug things, I've been having major flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety/ panic attacks. Nobody knows about any of this. I've kept them hidden, except for the panic attacks, but you know, that's just anxiety. I rarely go outside anymore, I'm scared of biking by myself, and don't even get me started on hide and seek. Mike always tries to avoid using the Demogorgon in the D&D campaigns. I want it to be because of me, but I know it's because of Eleven.

That's the other thing. Mike is straight. Mike liked Eleven, loved actually. He had major depression when she was gone, and guess who was the one to cheer him up. Guess who got him out of his funk. That's right, me. I did. I helped him through his depression, even if he's still not exactly over the whole thing, he's almost the same exact Mike. I didn't only do it because I loved him, I did it because that's what I am. I'm a fixer. I make sure everyone's happy, and unbroken, except myself.

I leave the fortress in the woods, very quickly. I run as fast as I can out of that place and hurry to my front door. I know Eleven "defeated the monster" but I'm still terrified. I stop for a second, steadying myself, and catching my breath, before walking into my front door, fake smile on my face. "Hey Will where've you been?" My mother asks smiling at me. I just smile at her for a second before answering. "Oh yeah I'm so sorry. I was in Castle Byers drawing. I fell asleep without even realizing it." I say fake laughing a bit at the end. I haven't laughed or smiled for real for a long while. "Okay. Well dinners going to be ready in about a half an hour. Why don't you set the table before you go get started on your homework?" She suggests smiling and I nod. "Alright, but I don't have any homework. Luckily." And she just chuckles. "Well then I want you to start cleaning that room Mr. You haven't cleaned it in a while." I nod before getting 3 plates out of the kitchen cabinets. I place them on the table accordingly, and then place down napkins beside each one. I go to the silverware drawers, and remove forks and knives, putting them on the napkins. I then get 3 glasses from the cabinet, and place them beside of each plate. After that, I go to my room.

I pick up all of my comics and place them on their shelves, being extremely careful around the X-men 134 I won from Dustin last year, the day I got taken. It's been a little over a year since then, it's December 12th today so about a year and 1 month. It's been over a year, and I'm still having nightmares. I get the jitters for a second before I shake them off. I then go and pick up all of the clothes on my floor, separating them into 2 piles, clean and dirty. "Okay kiddos dinner time!" My mom yells at Jonathan and I. I hang up one last shirt before going out to the dinner table.

Mike's P.O.V.

It is now 12:37 according to my watch, and I'm no where close to falling asleep. Every time I close my eyes I just think about him. Will. I think about how much I want him to be mine, and I think about how badly I don't want to lose him. I'm also thinking of the note. The Secret Admirer note that I'm giving Will tomorrow. I know he won't figure out who I am from the first note, but that's not really why I'm worried. I'm worried because what if Will isn't gay. I'm bisexual, but what if Will isn't gay or bisexual and I'm just mistaken. What if he is though, and he has a crush on someone else. What if he thinks it's someone else, and he likes them. This could really backfire, but it's happening. I'm not backing down now.

I wake up to my fathers footsteps in the kitchen. He wakes up about an hour before me. I sigh and look down at my watch, 5:03 am. He normally leaves at about 5:25 and I don't wake up until 6:30. There's no chance I'm going to go back to sleep though. I stand up and tiptoe to my dresser. I open up my jean drawer, and reach into the bottom of it, to find what I was looking for. All of the drawings, notes, or papers, Will has ever given to me. And the pictures of Will I've received or taken. He expects me to throw them away, he's always assumed I did. He doesn't like his drawings, he doesn't think they're good. I think they're amazing. I look through all of the drawings, notes, and photographs until it's time to get ready.

Once I arrive at school, I place my bike in the rack. I then go up to the double doors and immediately searched for Will's locker. Once I got to it, I glanced at the note one last time,

Dear Will Byers
You know who I am, but I do not wish to say my name. I wanted to tell you that I like you. A lot. Your hair, your eyes, your nose, your height, everything about you is perfect. I bet you want to know who I am. Well, I can't tell you that easily, in fact I won't tell you in these notes. I will leave hints for you in every note, and when you think you've figured it out, come up to me in person.
Hint #1: im a boy with brown eyes.
Love always,
Your secret admirer

The note may be simple, and the hint may not give much information, but I don't want him to find out. I fold it back up, and slip into into his locker.

I hope he gets it. I hope he likes me back. I hope he's okay. I hope I'll be able to call him mine. I hope he doesn't think about the Upside Down anymore. I hope he doesn't think I like Eleven still. I hope he doesn't like anyone else. I hope he'll be mine.

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