Shinsaku (Cindy)

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"It's so chilly!!!" You yelled. Cindy had given you a dish which he calls 'Chili Rice' and challenged you to eat it. Embarrassed by the embarrassment of being a loser in front of a 'Mere' dish, you puffed your chest out and took a large bite of it. Cindy who was grinning with a stick in his mouth, looked at you.

~10 seconds later~
After 10 seconds later, you yelled out. Face bright red from neck to cheeks, smoke coming out from your mouth, nose and ears. "Wa-water !!!" Just then,  you slammed your head at the rink. Cindy stopped grinning and others looked at you. "Oi...(Y/n)??" No response. "Wake up" he said irritated, thinking you were just joking yet no answer. Just then, Ryo was passing by with a big tub of water, Otose wanted it for something. "RYO !! MATTE (wait)" Cindy yelled. "Huh??" Ryo blinked at Cindy who was running, carried you to him.

"Ci-Cindy !! Whaa!!??" Ryo freaked out and then SPLASH !!. You were thrown in the tub. "Cindy !! (Y/n) !!" Ryo said buckling a little cause the tub got suddenly heavy to him. "She ate a big spoon of chili rice and she knocked out" Cindy said, facepalming  on why he gave you the dish. "Oh..." Ryo said summing all up. "Ow..." You said, shifting a little. Just then, a electric shock like thing stroke your head and your eyesight got blurry for a second. "The place is so small..." You said, opening your eyes. "Oh I'm so sorry Ryoma-kun" you apologized to him and then....
*Dark aura coming out with red bloodshot eyes, glistening* you turned to Cindy who was grinning, unaware of your dark aura.

"Minna San we should go now..." Katsura said to everyone, aware of the situation which is going to turn to...
Ryo also had put you to the ground and had ran off to somewhere. "Poor hot shot..." Soji said, much to referring Cindy as 'Hot shot'. "Why you little....." You said, leaning closer and closer to Cindy. He opened his eyes and saw ur dark aura finally. "CINDY!!!!" You yelled. Katsura and others stood out of the shop, with Otose and were watching their whole shop to shake from your yelling. "Poor Cindy" Otose said.

"Ahh.... Ow owo owwo owwwwwwo owwwwwwwwwo!!!" Cindy yelled, shaking the shop frm one side to another. Suddenly all got quiet. What happened? "What happened to Cindy? Is he gone??" Ryo said, worried. But seriously what just happened actually?

~In the shop~
"Ahh.... Ow owo owwo owwwwwwo owwwwwwwwwo!!!" Cindy yelled. Just then, being wet from the water you slipped from the corridor, smashing yourself with Cindy. You had put your hands in your wet skirt and in front of your knees was a Cindy who was blushing like a mad, yelling simultaneously. "Don't look Baka!!!" You said embarrassed from your situation. Cindy closed his eyes and then... BAM !!! You two bumped yourself with a door.

"Ittai (ouch)..." You said groaning. But you heard a muffling sound. You looked down and saw.... Cindy's head inside your skirt. "Cindy!!" You said unable to say anything more from the biggest embarrassed ever in the world. He pulled out his head from your skirt, looking at you, like summing up what happened just now. Just then you felt yourself being swooping down. Cindy was over you now. "Just for a chili rice, so much    (Y/n)"  he said, blushing yet like he's been hurt. "What do you mean by 'Just'??" You said..😒 like this. "Seriously too troublesome" he said, looking away. "Well it was fun....I like spending time with you" you just blurted out. Cindy gasped and looked at you.

But then again, he smirked. "Then that means you like me??"
"Baka I love you" you said...

And then the next thing was you two kissing.

Omfg... That took me like forever... Welp, my phone is snatched away by my mom yet I scored the highest Mark in the class ;-;... She thinks I'm chatting with my bf which I don't have !!!! Oh fuck it... '^' bye bye minna. Hope u like it '^'

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