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THE SOUND OF WATER BEING POURED WOKE HER up from her unconscious state

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THE SOUND OF WATER BEING POURED WOKE HER up from her unconscious state. She slowly blinked, letting her sight adapt to the lightning of the room. Looking around her, she saw individual beds lined up and some ill students; she was in the hospital wing.

"Oh, dear! You're finally awake!" Beamed the woman, offering her the glass of water which she gladly accepted, soothing her sand-like throat.

Looking at the nightstand next to her, she noticed a small box that contained her wand.

"Mr. Malfoy came to visit you... He also waited for you to wake up so he could personally give you your wand, but you were unconscious," she explained. "Whenever you're feeling better, Dumbledore would like to have a word with you."

She thanked her and leaned on the headboard, observing the carved figures in her wand. Did Malfoy bring her here? But how would he know if he stayed behind? Probably he knew something was up since she still wasn't back... She was his responsibility. He had to bring her back or otherwise he would get in trouble. She frowned at his selfishness but thought she should thank him; after all, he did bring her back.

She waved at the nurse, lady Pomfrey was her name, and made her way to Dumbledore's office.

She shyly peeked through the wall, catching his attention and motioned her to sit down. He smiled at her, sympathetically, "How are we today, miss?"

She cleared my throat, "Better..." she said smiling.

"I would like to know what happened in order to be able to help," he explained, concerned.

She closed her eyes, letting the lively images of the incident appear in her mind.

"I... When... The other day, when I was taking a walk near ser Hagrid's hut, I saw this tree... It was as white as bones and its leafs were red... When I touched it, the face that was carved into it started to weep blood... And then it completely vanished!"

Professor Dumbledore's face was frowning, as if he was having a hard time to think whether she was telling the truth or not.

"Then, when I went to get my wand... lord Ollivander gave me this," she explained, giving him her wand in which he took and started to examine.

"Hmmm... Weirwood..." He stated, giving it back.

"I asked him what it was and he explained how they were associated with the 'Old Gods'... I thought my wand and the tree near the hut were the similar... And then he seemed very interested to know my identity."

"They are indeed, weirwood was very expensive..." Dumbledore smiled.

"After that, I couldn't carry on listening to his explanation, since I- I blacked out."

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