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CHAPTER NINE━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━G A M E S

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SHE WOKE UP EARLIER THAN USUAL TODAY. The Sun was about to set into the horizon so she hurriedly left their hut while Hagrid was sleeping to visit Dumbledore. Her footsteps echoed through the empty corridords, waking the paintings up and making the complain until she finally reached Dumbledore's office. She quickly muttered the password and climbed through the spiral staircase, only to find him scribbling notes on a piece of parchment...

'Does this man ever sleep?' She asked to herself as she cleared her throat to get his attention.

"Oh, (Y/n)!" He warmly smiled, placing the parchment away as he motioned her to sit, "What brings you here, young lady?"

She sat down, returning him the smile. "Professor Dumbledore, I just wanted to ask... Why am I in Gryffindor?"

He stared at her for quite a while, as he tried to look for an answer.

"Shouldn't I be sorted, professor?" She persisted.

"Yes. You're right, you should be. The only reason why you weren't sorted was because... I didn't know you were going to stay with us for such a long time..." He explained standing up. "But that changed since you discovered some memories... Maybe being placed in the correct house will help you even further, I'm glad you asked."

Dumbledore took an old hat from his dusty shelf. He walked towards her and carefully placed it on top if her head.

"Isn't it too late to be sorting you in a house?" She heard a voice, not sure where it came from, but then she noticed it was the hat talking.

She heard the hat mumbling incoherently, until he stopped mumbling at once.

"What do we have here..? A Targaryen!" He exclaimed, amazed. "You happen to be just like your mother, dear!"

"My- my mother? Who was she?" She asked, curious.

"Oh... That I can't tell you, you must find out for yourself... But I'll tell you this: she was very ambitious... She wanted to claim what was truly hers."

"What was it?"

"I can't tell you much... Your mother caused chaos, yet she had a gentle heart that made people love her."

Her head hurt as she struggled to retain all of what the hat was saying. "Who was she..?" She demanded.

"Only you can find out. Ah... You remind me so much of her..." The hat sighed. "Therefore, I will be placing you in Slytherin... Finish what he started for you..."

Dumbledore removed the hat from her head. She tried to not spill any tears as she missed the touch of her mother she didn't even remember.

"There, there..." Dumbledore pat her back as she tried to process information. "I will call Snape so he can show you where the Slytherin common room is."

She nodded, the sentence 'finish what he started for you...' repeated in her head over and over again. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to remember the faintest image of how she might have looked like: was her hair almost white as hers? were her as pale as the sky..?

Her thoughts were interrupted as Snape barged into the room.

"Miss Targaryen, if you please follow me..." He commanded, making her go after him.

She waved goodbye at Dumbledore before walking behind Snape. She ended up in the dungeon, where he told her the password and left.

"Bono malum superate," she said unsure, making the doors open.

She entered, slowly walking towards the middle of the room when suddenly she was stopped by an older student.

"Excuse me, but Gryffindors aren't allowed in here," he sneered, pointing towards the exit.

"Excuse me, but lord Snape told me I should be given a new uniform by the Prefects," she talked back, mocking his absurd presence.

"That's no way to talk to a Prefect," he frowned as he left to get her Slytherin uniform.

The boy came back, handing her a green bag that contained her clothes folded neatly.

"Thank you, supreme Prefect," she bowed mockingly and left to go to Hagrid's hut- there was no way she was going to stay in there.

"(Y/n)! You're here!" she heard Hagrid yell from the kitchen. "I was preparing us some break–"

He stopped talking, seeing her on her new uniform.

"Breakfast sounds great, I'm starving,"she concluded, setting the table.

Hagrid finished cooking and they started eating.

"So... You've been finally sorted to your correct house, yes? How do you feel about that?"

"I'm scared the others will not accept me for being a Slytherin now..." she whispered, playing with her food.

"No! They wouldn't do such thing!" He cried. "Today they'll be in the field for Quidditch practice, you should talk to them and maybe even try and play for your house." He smiled.

"When will this be?"

"In about fifteen minutes, so you can go. I'll do the dishes."

She wiped her mouth with a tissue and thanked Hagrid. Heading over the Quidditch stadium, she found her friends gathered outside, taking off their equipment.

"(Y/n)!" Hermione ran at her, but stopped abruptly. "What happened?" Harry and Ron looked at her and walked towards where I was aswell.

She took a deep breath while looking at the floor. "I have been sorted this morning. I am afraid you would not like me anymore for being a Slytherin... I wish I stayed silen-"

A soft laugh cut her off. She looked up and she saw them smiling at her. They embraced her into a group hug which made her feel warm and loved inside. She didn't have her mother's love but theirs was as good.

"It's still you, (Y/n). We wouldn't hate you!" Harry smiled, ruffling her braided hair.

"Are you going to be on their team?" Hermione asked, seeing the Slytherin team approaching with their equipment.

"I would like to try, but I do not own any equipment," she shrugged.

Harry took of his gloves and handed her his broom.

"What-? I cannot- I do not know how to!" she blushed.

"It's fine, the least they can do is teach you how to fly," assured Ron.

She nodded and took his broom after putting on the gloves. They wished her luck when she left them to approach the Slytherin team.

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