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CHAPTER ELEVEN━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━S T R A T E G Y

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A FEW DAYS HAVE PASSED. She was accepted in her Quidditch team as a substitute Seeker, which (Y/n) felt proud of.

Her friends were giving her a tour through Hogsmeade, since she had to clear her mind to prepare herself for the tournament which was taking place very soon.

They sat tired, inside the Three Broomsticks, while Hermione and Ron brought the Butterbeers.

"What are you planning to do, (Y/n)?" Asked Harry, with a moustache made of foam after sipping his beverage.

"I have been thinking about mainly water spells..." She muttered, dreading the few days she had left to live.

"Hey, don't worry... We'll help you," Hermione said, rubbing her arm sympathetically.

Suddenly, the small bell tingled through the small cavern, catching their attention. She looked over her and saw Phil's gigantic figure towering them.

"(Y/n), we need to talk in private," he said with the deepest voice he could muster.

"About what?"

"The basic rules of Quidditch."

She looked at her friends, as she stood up.

"(Y/n), where are you going..?" Asked Hermione, watching her friend suddenly stand up.

"Talking to Agar," she replied, a hint of obviousness in her eyes as he pointed at him, waiting impatiently by the door.

The Trio stared at the door, yet no one stood there. With confused faces, they all watch their friend smile at the person supposedly named 'Agar.'

"I'll be in the library later. I'll see you later..." Hermione called out said, making her nod.

She followed Phil outside, the sound of snow sinking by their weigh giving the setting an uneasy feel.

"So what about the rules?" She asked trying to catch up to him, since he was quickly pacing near the river.

"The rules are..." He started, slowing down and looking at her once they were near the running river. "Know what your role is..."

"I know, I'm a Seeker," she retorted, rolling her eyes.

"Only do what your role requires..." He growled, inching closer to her, making her back up. She could see his predator instinct reflect on his brown eyes, making her cautious.

"Catch the Snitch..." She said, stepping back until she stood directly at the edge of the river.

"Never take your eyes off the target," his lips curled into a malevolent smirk, making her push him away, however she was too weak to make him move at all.

"Help!" She yelled, but he covered her mouth. "Hel-!"

"Until you finally have it," he hissed, releasing his grip on her mouth and pushing her to the running river.

A frantic plea for help escaped her mouth before she fell. A silhouette appeared next to Agar, but she couldn't identify who, as the water gripped her body tightly. She couldn't move. Her heartbeat was slowing down, until finally her eyes finally shut. Darkness.

Malfoy walked carelessly around Hogsmeade, Crabbe and Goyle following around like dogs as always.

From the distance he saw Targaryen walking alone towards the river. He lifted his brow in confusion, seeing her without the company of her Gryffindor friends.

He kept watching her, Targaryen getting closer and closer to the river... What the bloody hell was she doing? A yell escaped from her mouth as Draco saw her fall. He wasn't sure if she tripped, or she jumped, but it looked as though something pushed her.

"Clumsy brat," he sniggered to himself.

Surely she'd know how to swim, but his mind changed when he saw bubbles emerging to the surface.

The boy knew he had to do something.

A few minutes had passed and Targaryen hadn't emerged from the water yet. Draco sprinted towards the river.

Taking of his jacket, he handed it to Crabbe, since he actually caught up.

He took a deep breath and deeply stared into the running water before he closed his eyes and dove in. His eyes opened slightly, swimming deeper and deeper into the river. He spotted (Y/n), who was caught up in branches, unable to move.

He pull her arms forcefully, trying to break the branches that trapped her legs. Her limp body and weigh was making it hard for both of them, so with his last breath and all his strength he was able to get her out of the water.

"Targaryen, wake up!" He said, slapping her and leaving a faint handprint on her cheek. She deserved it. "Wake up!"

"Draco we should get help..."

"Shut up, Crabbe!"

He pressed her chest, trying to get the water out of her lungs. Seeing it was futile, he got closer to her face and their lips touched.

Suddenly her eyes opened and she started to spit large amounts of water. She looked confused as she stared at her surroundings, paranoid. When her eyes met with Agar's she backed away with an expression of fear written all over her face. With quivering legs, she stood up and ran away, making him follow her after taking his jacket with him.

Her speed eventually subsided. She leaned on a tree to regain her breath.

"Go away!" She yelled as soon as she saw me. Small puffs of air came out of her mouth as she panted; the cold hurting both of them.

He ignored her and walked closer, offering her his jacket. She looked at him hesitantly before taking it with her trembling arm.

"What the hell were you thinking, Targaryen, jumping into the river like that?"

"H- he pushed me!" She cried, as she sat down on the snow, desperate.

"Whatever," he scoffed, thinking she wasn't in her right mind.

"Thank you," she whispered quietly, staring at his grey eyes.

"I want it back," he said, before walking away. His skin stung from the wind blowing against his damp clothes, but he didn't care. He tried to erase Targaryen's helpless image from his mind as he touched his lip slightly. The boy frowned annoyed and ended up wiping his lips, upset that she made him go after her and ridicule himself in front of others; upset that he had to damage his façade of respectability just to save her.

He had saved her three times already, yet he got nothing from it.

The endless paradox kept rewinding in his head as he reminded himself of who he was and how she wasn't going to change that.

He had to get back before anyone saw him in that state.

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