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HER HANDS TREMBLED AS SHE SAW EVERY CHAMPION successfully coming back with the egg on their hands

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HER HANDS TREMBLED AS SHE SAW EVERY CHAMPION successfully coming back with the egg on their hands.

"And now, our unexpected contestant... (Y/n) Targaryen!" She head Lee Jordan's voice call her from outside.

(Y/n) took her wand and left the tent, the Sun blinding her instantly, making her cover her eyes. The public roared. She could see the audience cheer and her friends chanting her name.

Then her eyes landed on the enormous dragon in front of her. (Y/n) gripped her wand tightly, ready to throw a spell when necessary. She ran from rock to rock, hiding behind them. The dragon saw her, and emitted a loud roar that stunned her senses.

Luckily, it was chained. The girl stumbled over a rock, making her roll over and scrape her knees. Wincing in pain, (Y/n) stood up and ran towards the next rock. Flames escaped through its mouth revealing rows of teeth that looked like bloodied knives, making the crowd gasp in terror; the rock was the only thing protecting her.

"Aqua Eructo!" She yelled, pointing her wand towards the flame. Steam emerged between the water and the fire as these two collided.

"Amazing, (Y/n) has successfully managed to defend herself against the beast!" Lee Jordan commented once again.

Her mind went blank. She was petrified as she watched The Winged Shadow roaring and spitting flames, furious. Her knees shook and her eyes stung, she hadn't realised she started crying.

The crowd protested, wanting a show and (Y/n) was completely giving them the opposite. She saw from below how Cedric and the other champions smiled malevolently, thinking she was going to die.

"(Y/n), the egg! Get the egg!" She heard Harry yell from the distance.

She looked at him and nodded. Another flame escaped from the dragon's mouth, making her hide behind the rock once again.

When the dragon lost sight of her, it spread its wide wings to elevate himself from the ground, giving her a chance to spot where the egg was: it was resting on top of a small container.

"What a beast! It's letting (Y/n) see where its egg is!" Said Lee to the crowd.

The dragon flew as high as the chain allowed it. She took this as an advantage as it was more focused on breaking the chain rather than protect its egg.

Her heart hurt as she sprinted towards the small container. She climbed the rocks but slipped, making her fall on her back and groan in pain.

Once again, she carefully climbed them. The dragon screeched, batting its wings wildly and blowing her off the rocks, sending her to the ground once again.

(Y/n) stood up, only to trip and fall. She wiped her tears, and crawled her way up to the top. She physically didn't have the strength to do this as the girl felt her weak body protest in pain with every movement. Throwing another Aqua Eructo at the flames, it saved her from becoming a roast meal.

She limped towards the egg. With shaky hands, she took it out if its container. It was placed on top of glowing coal, yet she felt no pain whatsoever.

"Our (Y/n) has managed to take the egg! Now she only needs to get back!" Announced Lee, making the crowd clap and cheer.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! (Y/n)!" They chanted. Their cheers suddenly turned into blood curdling screams.

She looked up and saw the dragon breath out a flame that made the chain melt. Once free, it breathed fire furiously around the arena, setting the banners on fire.

"Everyone stay calm!" Yelled Dumbledore.

Her lilac eyes met the Black Beast ones. The fury in its eyes made them glow with anger, completely petrifying her.

"(Y/n), run!"

"Get away from there!"

"(Y/n), move!"

Everything slowed down. The girl rolled down the rocks, landing on her back, the impact of her back hitting the ground violently making her run out of breath. She saw the dragon towering over her, ready to burn her; however she stood up and trotted behind the rock.

When she looked at the crowd, everyone was out of their places, trying to get out but the professors were blocking the exits.

She ran to the next rock, when she suddenly heard the public cry widely. She wondered why.

(Y/n) gasped as the The Winged Shadow completely engulfed her by its own flames. She tightly hugged the egg as the fire covered her.

"She's burning!" They yelled.

"Someone save her!"

She closed her eyes, struggling to recall her past– her mother, who she was... The reason why everything was this way, before she turned into ashes.

She wasn't burning.


Doubts filled her head. If she quit, she would die without knowing her past; she would let Agar fulfill his mission; her friends... She would never see Malfoy again.

She opened her eyes and still saw the dragon in front of her, spitting fire. Her vision was blurred, yet she stood up, the Black Beast still burning her with no mercy.

She emerged from the flames, leaving the crowd in awe.

Once the dragon saw her, still alive, it completely stopped attacking her. It landed on the arena, and slowly inched towards the girl.

(Y/n) stood there, staring at the beast. It was only her and him in that moment.

Everything else was background noise.

(Y/n) and the dragon got closer to each other, it was natural instinct. Her fear towards it suddenly vanished, leaving a feeling of familiarity and bonding between them.

She lifted her hand to touch it, as a name unconsciously escaped her lips.


The dragon emitted a soft groan when her hand came in contact with his scales. Its nostrils flared, the zephyr making her locks move slightly as her hand caressed Drogon's face.

Suddenly, he raised from the ground, escaping the arena and flying away.

(Y/n) stood there. Alone. With her hand in the air, reaching at nothingness, hoping Drogon would come back.

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