Demons From Hell

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"I'm so Excited for this," Carter said when the movie started. We had gotten popcorn, drinks, and candy.

"You've seen this like, a billion times." I stated.

"Your point?" He asked with a mouth full of popcorn. I just laughed.

The movie ended and the credits rolled through. I put my seat belt on and waited for him to start up his truck and take me home.

"Tempest, I wantes to talk to you," He started. "I know that we've been friends for a really long time bu-"

"Carter please don't," I said cutting him off.

"I just have to say this,"

"No, you don't. We are friends, just friends. Now take me home," I said.

He gripped the wheel with white knuckles and drove over the speed limit, which was odd because he always obeyed traffic laws. I was staring straight ahead when I saw a dark figure appear out of knowhere in the middle of the road.

"CARTER WATCH OUT!" I yelled. He swerved the car to avoid the person and we headed straight for a tree. Just like this afternoon I felt time slow down. I saw Carter's fear tricken face, frozen in a twisted contortion. We moved ever so slowly until I felt the impact of the truck hitting the tree.

I could feel myself snap forward and then back. Everything had a silent ring to it, deafening my ears. The windows broke and I saw a mass of glass come flying backwards to hit Carter and I. Branches and leaves came tumbling in. I felt a million little stings radiate on my arms and face, I looked down at myself and saw tiny droplets of blood seep through the scrapes and down my arm.

Time went back to normal and the sounds came back full blast. Glass hit the floor and an emense pain shot through my body. I looked over at Carter through the haze and say him slouched over with blood coming from his nose.

"Carter!" I called out raspily.

No response.

I lifted my hand and managed to slowly and painfully get my seat belt off. The car alarm was blaring and the lights were blinking, someone would be here soon.

"Tempest!" A voice said as people began to thud onto the roof and hood of the car.

I swung my gaze around and my head started pounding. A hand reached through the darkness towards me, and it definitly wasn't human. The only sound I could make was a whimper.

"Come with us Tempest and we'll protect you," The same voice said.

I tried to shake my head no and back away from hand, but it was no use. The hand grabbed my shoulder and dragged me out of the windsheild. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I was dragged through. The edges were jagged and bit into my skin like razor blades. I could feel veins being popped and blood seep out.

Everything was spinning and my breaths were becoming shallow. "Get the boy too, it might make her cooperate better."

No, not Carter! I threw people back, but only getting them a few feet back. More just kept coming. These creatures weren't human, and they sounded like he one that chased me in the forest the night of the school dance.

They must be demons. Their bodies were blood red, some of them had torn wings, and they had bone-y features. Demons belong in hell not earth.

The ground began to shake and a loud tearing sound viberated under the truck. The ground started to split, but to close to where Carter was. This was just a small slit, it was a gaping hole. The demons were falling in left and right, a wind picked up dragging everything into the ground.

"What have you done!" The demon still had a firm grasp on me, if he went so did I.

The truck started to groan and creak as it was dragged into the hole. I spotted Carter still in the drivers seat past out. It lurched over the edge and I reached a bloodied arm towards it in hopes that it wouldn't fall in. The demon grabbed my arm and held me back.

I heard growls erupt around me and about 12 giant wolves stepped out. I was panting in effort to stay awake, the blood loss was making me tired. They closed in around us and one of them, the biggest one, jumped forward straight for us. I screamed and closed my eyes, waiting to be killed or eaten, but it never came. The demons hands on me disapeared and I was left standing.

I opened my eyes to see severel wolves in a huddle off to the side, and the rest hadn't moved. I saw the truck finally tip over and fall to its doom. I ran forward, and was ready to jump in if it meant saving Carter. 2 wolves stepped forward to block my path, no! I tried to shove them aside, but it was no use. I stood on my tip toes when I felt the ground shake. It was closing up!

Carter down there, this couldn't be happening. I collapsed to the ground in a heap of tears.

"Thought you'd be happier since I saved your friend," I heard that voice before. Rain. I looked up to see him holding Carter. I ran up to him and frantically examined Carter. "Let's take him back to our cabin, we have some things you can use to heal him." Rain said.

The wolves started fo walk towards us and I cluthed Rains arm in fear. They stopped and looked at me, I hid behind Rains back like a child does with their mother. I felt his chuckle viberate through him. "It's okay,"

I peeked out from behind him to see them patiently waiting. "You think you can get on one of their backs?" Before he even finished his thought I was shaking my head no. "How about my back?" Rain asked. I was puzzled as to how he would make it home carrying both Carter and I.

"I'll be right back," Rain said putting Carter down, I knelt beside him. "Cliff," Rain nodded off to the side to one of the wolves, and then they were in the trees.

I looked at the wolves standing in a circle around us. One of them, a smaller one, stepped forwards and I began to shake. Without Rain here I was terrified.

"You're gunna have to take down that force field you got going," A boy said, just a little older than rain. I looked around for Rain and saw a big, black, wolf emerge from the trees. He had the same eyes as Rain, it must be him.

Rain nodded and I stopped the force field even though I didn't purposly put it up. The guy picked up Carter and I walked to Rain. I tried to leap up onto his body, and fumbled around like you do when getting out of a pool with no ladder or stairs. Finally I was ready to go, the wolves started to run and I had to grasp handfuls of Rain's fur to hold on.

We started to pick up speed and I was scared that I was going to hit a branch so I leaned forwards and burried my head in Rain's fur. I wonder why I wasn't about to pass out anymore? I looked at my arm and saw that the cuts were healed. I was going to have to ask Jagger about that tomorrow.

We started to slow down and I pifted my head when we stopped. We were in the middle of the woods in front of a huge cabin. I got off Rain and almost stumbled over.

"Rain says he'll be right back and to go inside," The boy that was carrying Carter said.

"Okay," I said softly and started to go inside.

I got in and there stood a girl, about 40 years old, with a basket of herbs and plants. "Let's show you how to use your powers to heal your friend," The women said.

I was in way over my head. I couldn't make things float let alone heal Carter.

End of Chapter

I'm sorry if I get a little twilight-y with the wolves and how they live in a forest and stuff. I'm trying not too.

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