Overprotective Sister | Jiley

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Riley's POV

I was preparing lunch, James was heading over to see West and Eldon so I wouldn't have his company but I wasn't going to be lonely, Emily was coming over. I haven't got to spend quality sister time with her since I moved in with James. I was interrupted from my thoughts by to pair of strong, muscly arms wrapped around my waist. "Hey babe." James whispered and I turned around and we started making out wildly for several minutes until...A voice said, "Hi Jiley." Not in such a pleasant tone but more intensity. I startled but had James' arms around me when I turned around, it was Emily. "Hey Em." I replied awkwardly. "Yo Emily." James casually added in his confident way like always. Sometimes I wish I could be just as confident as my boyfriend. "Anyways, I gotta go. Bye Em, Bye baby!" James said to us and kissed me goodbye, heading out the door. 

Emily's POV

After lunch, me and Riley were watching our favourite childhood movie. But I felt uncomfortable about something and I wanted to talk to her. "Riley? Could I ask you something?" I asked nervously hoping she wouldn't mind. "Sure. What's going on Em?" "Riley, it's just advice. Have you and James ever slept together?" "Yeah." She mumbles slightly embarrassed. "Riley you need to have protected sex and also you have to be careful. I don't want you to get pregnant and I don't want neither of you to become stressed parents. You're both only nineteen." "Em I understand. We will be careful but you don't need to worry." I pull her into a tight hug, "I don't think I'm ready for auntie Emily." I say jokingly. "I love you em!" "I love you too."    

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