Chapter 4 | reunited

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When the plane landed, you walked with Misa to the baggage pickup and waited for your bags. Once you got them you waved goodbye and walked in separate directions, you walked out of the terminal and saw the black limo L was talking about.

"Ayano" the man standing by the limo said.

"Watari?" You questioned.

He nodded.

"Holy crap! It's been so long! It's good to see you again" you said.

"It's good to see you too, I'm going to drop you off at the hotel, then I have to go to the ICPO headquarters. When you get there ask for room 31"

You nodded in understanding and got into the car. The drive was long, but the closer you got, the more exited you got.

You arrived at the hotel and thanked Watari for the ride, and complimented on the car, its was a damn nice car. You watched as he drive off and turned to the glass doors of the hotel. You took at look at the time on your phone, 3:00pm exactly. You smiled at your lock screen, a picture of you and L when you were little. You walked into the hotel and pulled your bag behind you.

"I have a booking for room 31" you said to the receptionist who gave you the key. You thanked her and rushed over to the elevator. When you arrived on the floor, you could see the room all the way at the end of the hall. Tears fell down your face once again. You sprinted down the hall, making a racket as you pulled your bag along. You frantically knocked on the door and when he opened it, his wings were brighter than ever. Your angel was finally back.

"Hey, are you crying?" He asked.

You didn't say anything, just cried harder and dropped to the floor. He sat down opposite you and hugged you tightly, you hugged him even tighter back.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" You exclaimed through sobs.

"I-I missed you too" he said, his voice cracking.

You could fell his tears start to drop onto your shoulder and soak though your shirt.

By this point a few people in the hall had stopped to watch, and started smiling at the heart warming sight.

He pulled back and put his hands on your shoulders, his tears looked like something out of an anime, they sparkled along with his wings.

You both started to laugh at your states, a crying mess on the floor of a hotel.

He wiped your tears away with his sleeve but they kept falling.

"I missed you so much" he said.

"I missed you too"

You saw his face light up.

"Your wings are beautiful today"

You smiled, so he saw wings on you too? This must be a sign you're soulmates or something.

"Yours are so bright today" you smiled.

He caressed your cheek with his sleeve covered hand and looked dead into your teary eyes.

"I'm so sorry I left on such short notice, I missed you every day without you, please, don't ever leave me..." he said.

"I won't, just promise you'll never leave me" you replied.

"I promise" he said.

You smiled at him. Then, all at once, he smashed his lips onto yours. He tasted like sweets and the salt from both your tears. All you thought at that moment was: 'does this kiss mean anything? Or was it just an impulse reaction?'

The best part was, you were with your angel again. And that's all the mattered.

Fallen Angel (L Lawliet x reader) •Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now