Chapter 48 | back home

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The flight was a long one, you were tired, jet lagged and starving, but you were finally home. Back in England, you couldn't wait to get back to the orphanage.


You opened your eyes and found yourself in a car.

"We're home"

You smiled when you saw L waking you up, you sat up and looked out the window, you'd really missed this place...

"It hasn't changed" L said.

"It never will, let's be honest" you replied, getting your bags from the boot.

You both walked up to the door and opened it, the familiar smell of home filling your senses.

"I really missed this" L said.

"Me too..."

You grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, down the halls and into the main room where you saw Mello, Matt and Near reading and playing video games as usual. The sound of the door opening made them all turn to you.

"I'm back!" You said.

They all dropped what they were doing and leapt on you, each one of them pulling you into a tight hug.

"I THOUGHT YOU DIED!" Mello said.


"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Near jumped in.

"I missed you too"


You wrapped your arms around all three of them and gave them a tight squeeze.

"I missed you all so much"

"You really get the love don't you?" L said.

At the sound of his voice the boys looked up and saw L smiling down at them.




They all jumped off you and pounced onto L, making him fall back onto the rug beneath them.

"I missed you too" he said.

"Tell us everything!" Near said.

"Sit down it's a long story..."


"So... you're dead?" Mello said.


"But you're standing right here" Matt questioned.

"Well, I sorta became a grim reaper... if shinigami exist reapers can too"

"But aren't they the same thing?" Mello asked.

"Very different"

"Is that why your teeth look life threatening? And your eyes are green? And you have glasses?" Near said.

"Yes, yes and yes"


You laughed at Mellos behaviour and smiled, you really missed them, it was so good to be back.

"Well, we have to unpack, we'll talk later" L said.


You both got up and wandered down the halls you got to your room first, it was the same way you left it, messy floor, un-made bed, closed blinds and posters on the walls.

"I see it hasn't changed" L said.

"Why would it? Come on I wanna see your room!"

You dumped your bag in the floor and pulled L down the hall, stopping at his door.

"I never went in there since you left, wouldn't have been my place" you said.

"Well, let's see how much it's changed"

L opened the door and revealed his room, the same way he left it. A bed that looked like it hadn't ever been used, a desk with a computer and books on it and an empty cupboard.

"Hasn't changed at all" he said.

"I didn't expect it to" you laughed.

He dumped his bags on the floor and walked inside, he flopped onto his bed, making you laugh.

"For once in my life I'm tired, that whole case drained me" he said.

You sat beside him, making him sit up to face you.

"Well, at least justice was served"

"All thanks to your help, I could've done it without you..."

You smiled and pulled him into a hug, his warm arms snaking around you.

"It's good to be back" he said.

"I'm glad you are"

You pulled back and gave him a warm smile.

"Maybe we can go back to the old days, except this time with the courage to say I love you" you said.

"Sounds good to me, I love you (y/n)"

"I love you too, Lawliet"

With those words, your lips connected and you shared what must have been the best kiss of your life.

Fallen Angel (L Lawliet x reader) •Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now