Ch. 8

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"Draco, who's the girl you fancy?"

"I fancy myself Granger." Draco smirked triumphantly.

"You can't fancy yourself Malfoy." Hermione noted.

"Sure I can, I mean look at me. I'm the hottest wizard that ever walked on this planet. Look at me seriously." Draco used one hand to show his body.

"Get off your high horse," Hermione rolled her eyes "you know I meant a girl."

Draco put his hand over his heart, "are you assuming my gender. I am hurt."

"Arse" Hermione murmured.

"If you want to see my arse you just have to ask a little louder but for you I'll show you even if you asked like that." He got up and turned around. "Admit it I have a hot arse."

"You have a hothead that's what you have. You should go to sleep." Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"I'm not tired, let's read." Draco climbed back on the bed sitting next her. He picked up the book and started reading it with her. His eyelids felt heavier and heavier but he managed to get up from the bed before crashing on the one next to it.

"Told you." Hermione whispered to herself. She continued reading until she felt sleepy.

The next day Draco woke up and saw Hermione sleeping soundly on a bed next to him. 'Great I fell asleep on a hospital bed' he thought. He surprisingly didn't have a nightmare that night.

Draco slowly got up trying to not make a sound and walked away to the Great Hall. He saw his table filled with his Slytherin friends, a Gryffindor, and a Ravenclaw. The teachers beamed at the house unity while some people stared at them oddly.

"Malfoy, do you know if Hermione is alright?" Ginny asked worryingly.

"Good morning to you too Weaslette. Yes, she's fine." Draco took a big bite from his apple and began digging in on his food. He didn't noticed the girls leaving to check up on their friend.

"Mate what are you thinking about?" Blaise asked as he cleaned his mouth with a napkin. He was always proper when it came to manners and being a gentleman.

"Wandless spells." Draco answered immediately.

"Does this have to do anything with what happened to Granger yesterday?" Theo asked before licking his fingers. He was only proper when it was necessary other than that he didn't care.

"If you two really want to know then help me and I'll tell you." Draco said before taking another bite of his apple.

"We will but this better not interfere with nargle hunting or thestral feeding time." Blaise and Draco looked over at Theo weirdly. "What? Creatures are interesting." Theo said defensively.

"I don't think that the creatures are the once interesting to you." Blaise winked.

"Whatever mate." Theo rolled his eyes.

⚯͛ ⚯͛ ⚯͛

Hermione woke up and saw the friendly faces of her friends but all of them were looking at her weirdly.

"I didn't know you owned a Slytherins sweater Hermione" Luna noted.

Hermione looked down and saw she was still wearing Draco's sweater. Hermione blushed bright red and tried avoiding her friends eyes.

"Mione, are you blushing?" Ginny asked in an innocent tone.

"No Ginny I think she's just cold, don't you think Luna?" Pansy teased.

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