Ch. 19

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"Granger I'm not going out with this on." He pointed at the flower crown he was wearing.

"But you said you would take a picture with me like this. Plus your friends are also doing it." Hermione said from the closed door of her room.

"Fine but I'm wearing all black."

Hermione came out wearing a floral dress with her flower crown complementing it quite well. "No I want for my scar and your Mark to show. Then I anyone doubts you I'll show them the picture and kiss you there and there. They'll be like 'a death eater and a mudblood together and it's the one and only golden girl. He must have changed.' I don't people to think you're a monster."

"Thank you Hermione but I only care what you think of me." He wrapped an arm around her pulling her towards him. "Can I please just wear black? I like black."

"No, you're wearing a grey muggle suit I bought you if you don't care about what people say. I made sure it compliments your eyes. Now hurry up and change so we can go to the astronomy tower without being spotted and still get good lighting." She guided him to her room where the suit laid there on her bed without wrinkles. "I'll wait in your room."

A few minutes later Draco came into his room well dressed and his hair slicked back. "Where's my crown?!"

"Draco, you're a wizard." She laughed at his confused face. "Accio Draco's flower crown."

"This is why you're my beautiful know-it-all." Draco grinned putting on his crown and looking at himself in the mirror. "I am the sexy snake."

"Snakes aren't cute or sexy now let's go before your ego inflates higher than the astronomy tower." Hermione grabbed his hand and raced towards the astronomy tower trying to no get attention from other students.

"Must you run this fast." Draco complaining putting his hands on his thighs trying to catch his breath. "You have heels on, how do you run this fast?!"

"Stop complaining." Hermione rolled her eyes taking her wand from under her dress. She secretly had something around her leg to keep her wand since she now had to make sure she had it at all times. She pointed the wand at the camera Draco had set down and bewitched it to be able to take pictures by itself. "Come on, let's take pictures." Hermione fixed his crown and smiled up at his grey eyes. She had to admit, she loved his eyes and often imagined if they were to have a child, they'd have his eyes.

Draco on the other hand secretly fantasised with seeing a little girl running around with wild brown frizzy hair giggling. Hermione had given him so much hope that he really did envision a future with her. Something without having to worry getting her hurt because of the mistakes of his past. A place without having to protect her from a person coming and snatching her away from his arms and hurting her. A flash snapped them both from their thoughts. "What the bloody hell was that Hermione?"

"You sound like Ronald!" She laughed putting her head on his chest. There was another flash, this time only scaring Draco. "The camera is bewitched to take pictures when it sees a good pose and all."

Draco smirked, "well in that case." He cupped her cheek and brought her lips to his kissing her with everything he felt for her.

Hermione pulled apart needing to catch her breath. "I think those are enough pictures for today." She giggled pointing at the camera levitating it down gently. She grabbed Draco's hand pulling him to the railing.

"Next week, exams start. After that we will have a few days here before leaving this place. I must say, I never quite imagined spending this year like this but I don't regret spending it like this." Draco wrapped his arm around Hermione aching for her contact. "Mum is having a party and she wants to invite your family. Not only the Granger part but the Weasley part too. Blaise, Pansy, Theo, and of course lovegood and her father are going. Potter is part of the Weasley clan too, he's obviously going to marry Weaslette. If he's a git to her, I'll hurt him personally. Don't tell Weaslette that I've become fond of her. Don't want her to rub it in or anything."

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