Ch. 16

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Hermione ran towards ten and hugged them tightly. "We're happy to see you too Mione. Have you told them?" Seamus asked and she shook her head.

Dean fixed his shirt's wrinkles Hermione created. He looked around confused by the Slytherins standing with their old friends. Seamus on the other hand, smiled up with a charming boyish smile.

"Is he going to close his mouth or should someone make him?" Theo bluntly asked.

"Mione, why are they here?" Dean turned the his Gryffindor friend.

"They're friends Dean don't worry." She walked innocently towards Draco who put an arm around her waist instinctively, "I have him under my control."

"Kinky" Draco whispered in her ear with a wink.

Blaise began coughing, "whipped!" And continued coughing.

"You're one to talk Blaise, you practically snog Pansy senseless when she's mad at you." Ron reminded him patting his shoulder.

"Ron I think all of us here are like that to our girlfriends," Harry announced. "Wait I didn't mean that I and Ginny-"

"Harry, my brother has no say in my love life. Don't try to correct the truth." Ginny hugged his torso tightly. "What are the good news?"

Seamus grinned brightly, "IM GETTING MARRIED!"

Before Theo could say any comment Blaise shot a silencing spell his way. Draco nodded at Blaise and turned back to Seamus and Dean. "Continue, who's the lucky person Seamus?" He eyes Dean making him look confused.

"HIM!!" Seamus threw his arms around Dean like a little kid and he wrapped one arm around his shoulder happily.

"CONGRATS!!!!" Everyone, even Slytherins, yelled. The couple smiled happily as they hugged their old friends and new Slytherins acquaintances.

Luna grabbed Theo's hand wrapping it around her, "let's go to Honeydukes to celebrate!"

They followed the whimsical blond to buy candy. Ron kept looking for Astoria to see if she was coming or not. Dean and Seamus walked as if their physical contact had to be limited. Hermione smiled sadly at them and pulled away from Draco and walked back towards them.

"You two are going to get married, come on. If anyone gives you crap about it, shove it in their faces that you two love each other." Hermione suggested and winked at them.

Draco patiently waiting for her as they caught up to him. "Don't care about what people say. I mean come on, Hermione and I were thought as life long enemies and look at us."

"Thanks Malfoy" Dean smiled graciously and put his arm around his fiancé.

Seamus smiled, "you know Malfoy, you're not a bad lad."

Draco peeked up and smirked."I know, I'm also smart and hot. Right lioness?"

Hermione rolled her eyes playfully, "Get off your high horse ferret."

"Anything for you beaver." Draco received a slap on his chest from Hermione as she giggled.

"Hermione come on let's go look for candy!" Ginny waved at her to go over there. Hermione kissed Draco on the cheek and jogged over to her friend.

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