Ch. 13

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"Draco I need for you to run some errands. And take some money if you haven't bought Christmas gifts." His mother ordered.

"What but I just got here." Draco complained but then he saw Hermione and immediately stood up. "I will love to help."

Hermione giggled knowing he was just trying to impress her. "Draco be nice to your mother."

"What but I am being nice!" He exclaimed defensively.

"Draco be nice to your girlfriend" his mum playfully scolded.

"Team up against me why don't you." He grabbed the list and his wand and disappeared.

"Let's get to work!" Narcissa went down to get the decorations.

They started hanging up some lights across the house and outside. Then they decorated the tree but didn't put the star on. That was for Draco to do. Owls started appearing with gifts from their friends, Hermione neatly placed them under the tree along with presents she bought.

It was 7:00 p.m. And Draco wasn't back. His mum didn't look worried because the list she had given him was long since she always sent gifts to her friends. Hermione decided to not worry if his mother was calm about it. Minutes later Draco appeared in his room with a loud band getting the attention of his mum and girlfriend. "Hermione, dear, can you go see if Draco is alright whilst I finish dinner with Mindy." The elf looked up and smiled at Narcissa, Hermione nodded and went upstairs.

"Draco are you alright?" Hermione steped into his room and saw him casting spells to wrap his presents. He turned to look at her smiling and instead of answering his question he kissed her forehead.

"You're beautiful, you know that right?" He looked at her eyes before giving her a peck in the lips. "Look! I was on my way here but I saw this beautiful rose and I know you already have tons of roses from me but this one just reminded me of you. Look at the petals, they're flawless and soft and Look at the way it shines in the light." He gave her the rose.

"This rose is so beautiful, I'm going to put it in water later. For now, tell me what you bought our friends." Hermione sat next to him on the bed admiring the rose.

"Well for Blaise, Theo, the Weasel king, and scar face, I bought them the best Quidditch tickets and passes for all season long. They should thank me. For Pansy and Asty, I bought them some makeup. For loony, I bought her a book of creatures and special facts about them. For weaslette, a new broom. One of the bests and a note for her to send me a picture of everyone' reaction. I did it because stupid Potter was bragging. For my aunt and cousin I bought them an owl so we can keep in touch. For you and mum it's a surprise."

Hermione looked at him and grinned, "So, you consider Gryffindors your friends?"

"Don't point it out Granger."

A small elf with a sundress appeared at the door, "Miss Cissy wanted me to inform both of you that dinner's ready."

"Thank you Mindy, we'll be right there." Draco said kindly. The elf disappeared with a snap and Draco smiled at Hermione. "Did mum interrogate you?"

"No, we just talked. By the way, cute baby pictures." She stood up and ran downstairs laughing.

"What!?" Draco chased her down and saw her and his mum in the living room. His eyes widened when he saw the big dream tree with gold lights and decorations around it. There were gifts neatly wrapped under the tree.

"Do you like it?" Hermione asked timidly walking towards him with a small smile.

"I-I love it" He hugged her and then hugged his mum.

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