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I shuffled through the hallways toward my locker. Jessica isn't here today. Some jock got her pregnant over summer, and apparently she's going through labor today. Good. Maybe having a kid will change her.

I open my locker, and there's a bouquet of white roses in there. I slowly take it out of my locker, wondering who the hell would ever give me something this nice. There's a card on the side, and it says:

See you in chemistry. -L



I blushed, my heart pounding. I put the bouquet in my backpack, making sure nothing is around it to crush it. My legs feel weak as I wobble down the hallway. As I near towards my chemistry class, my heart starts beating a little faster. I breath deeply before going in, telling myself not to be nervous.

I walked in, seeing nobody except Leo and some kid who barely talks. I slide into a chair that's diagonal from Leo's. I pull out my notebook from my backpack sneaking a look at Leo. He's looking at me, hand in his chin, smirking a little bit. I blush, feeling my hair tie break in my hair.

"Dammit," I mumble quietly. I forgot to bring any more hair ties to school today. Oh well. I was never uber self-conscious about my hair, anyways.

I feel a jacket sleeve brush my cheek, and a piece of paper floated gently onto my desk.

Like the flowers, babe? -L

I looked up to see Leo walking back to his desk. I turned around to look at him, and he was gazing at me with one of his eyebrows raised. I blushed a little harder and whipped around to face the front of the room.

I'm not your babe. I wrote, using my better handwriting. I did a little fake stretch, and tossed the paper near his desk. A minute later, I felt a tug on my jacket sleeve. I grabbed the paper, not looking behind me.

Whatever, babe. Did you like the flowers, tho?

I giggled softly, writing, Nobody's ever given me something that nice before. Why'd you get them? I passed the note back.

I needed to find some way to talk to you.

I blushed, turning around slowly, and looked at him. He was blushing too, and he was grinning at me. I smiled a little bit, not meaning to.  He bit his lip, looking down a little bit. I laughed and stuffed the paper into my backpack.

40 minutes past, and the bell rang. I grabbed all of my stuff, but when I looked down to get my backpack, Leo picked it up and stood next to me, waiting for me to get up.

"Uhhh... can I have my pack?" I mumbled, looking up at him.

"No. I'm just gonna carry it." He said, smirking and raising an eyebrow.

"Just give me my backpack," I whined. 

"Alright. But it's gonna cost you." He said seriously.

"What?" I challenged.

"A kiss, of course."

I blushed, looking away. "Why would you want to kiss me? Of all people?" I ask quietly.

He looked at me, smiling. "Because I've never seen a girl as gorgeous as you." He stammered, his cheeks turning scarlet. My eyebrows shot up, and I giggled.

"You can carry it, then." I said, winking.

He smiled, but I could see disappointment in his eyes. I felt a little bad.

I mean, I wouldn't totally abolish the idea of kissing him.


I'm in love. I'm not even gonna deny it at this point. Her name runs through my mind.

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