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I woke up from Ziggy's bed abruptly, hearing the sound of crashes and screaming. I took one last smell of Ziggy's bed before leaping up and out of the room. I ran downstairs to find that Ziggy wasn't alone.


They surrounded Ziggy, and I could see their prowling, hungry eyes behind their masks. One of them reached out and touched her face.

"Well, aren't you real pretty?" He said, a soft, southern drawl coming from his mouth. He tipped her chin up and tilted her head from side to side, making her cringe with uncomfort. There were two of them; the southern guy being extraordinarily tall and skinny, the other guy quite a lot shorter and buff.

"Fernando," the southern guy said, pulling an innocent smile on his face, "go look around for anything valuable. I'm gonna stay with this fine lil' missy and explain to her why she shouldn't call the police."

Fernando smirked and started raiding the kitchen. I slowly crept to the top of the stair case, crouching down to listen.

The southern guy wrapped his arm around Ziggy's shoulder, forcing her to lean into him and cringe. "Now, lil' lady, let me tell you what's gonna happen. Imma sit right here with ya and wait till my partner is done looking for valuables, and then we're gonna leave and take you with us. If you even try anything, or move and inch off this couch, I will make sure you and your family suffer." He said in a polite manner. It made me sick to hear him say that.

"I don't have any family." Ziggy growled softly as she stiffened her posture.

"Oh, that's alright. I know your little boyfriend is upstairs, listening to our conversation right now. Hey, buddy," he said, raising his voice so I could hear him clearer, "if you move a fucking inch from the top of the stairs, I will cut this lil' missy's throat. Understand?"

"Y-yes sir." I said, afraid of what might happen to Ziggy if I said anything different.

"Now, miss, if you even try to call the police whilst in our hands, I will blow your  boyfriends goddam brains out and make you watch. Then, I'm gonna place a mirror in front of you, so you can watch as I blow your  fucking brains out. So what I'm gonna need you to do is empty all your pockets for me reeeaall slow now. Don't pull any shit on me, alright honey?" He demanded in a soft voice.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and set it in between the little space they had between them. She pulled out all her money, hair ties, and candy wrappers that were stuffed in her pockets.

"There we go. Hey, Fernando! You done yet?" He shouted, making Ziggy flinch.

"Yeah, man. She gotta lot of stuff in here. Lots of it is gold, but I don't know if it's fake or not." Fernando said, having a bag full of stuff on his side.

"Alright, that oughta be enough. Let's go." He said, picking up Ziggy and slinging him over her shoulder.

"Wait, sir. Can... can I at least tell my boyfriend what's going on?" She asked quietly.

"Now darlin', I'm sure your boy heard us and is aware of the situation. Now, I'm in a good mood today, and I think you doing anything like that would just annoy the piss out of me. So let's just go to my car, and this'll be all over real soon." He said. Ziggy hung limply from his shoulder with a look of pain on her face as they walked out of the house. I ran downstairs and looked out the window as they pulled away. Anger boiled through my system as I ran to the kitchen to get he home phone. As it turns out, Fernando split it in fucking two. 

I ran outside and hopped in my car, speeding towards the police station. When I finally got there, I realized that they were momentarily closed, being that most of the officers were sick. I reached for the phone in my pocket and dialed Aidens number.

"Pick up, pick up..." I cursed. 

"Hey Leo. What's going on, man?" Aiden said in a casual voice.

"Aiden, listen to me. Ziggy just got robbed like 10 minutes ago and the robbers took her with them. They broke the all the phones in the house except mine, and the police station is closed because all of the officers are sick. I need you to call Rico and meet me at my house in twenty minutes." I said urgently.

"Oh, shit bro. Alright, I'll go pick him up and we'll be there man." He said, obviously surprised by the situation.

"Thanks, man." I replied, hanging up the phone. I breathed and put my hands behind my head. I struggled to contain a sob that threatened to come out of my throat, but I couldn't help a tear that drizzled out of my eye.

She's safe, I kept telling myself. But there was a little voice in the back of my mind that asked, Are you sure?

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