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I woke up in an uncomfortable wooden chair, my head feeling fuzzy and my eyesight blurred. There was a peice of cloth in my mouth that muffled my groans as a deep pain shot up my leg. Tears fell from my face in a subtle puddle as I writhed and wriggled to get out of the beastly trap I was set in.

Footsteps came downstairs as my struggle came to be more urgent. A man steppe in front of me, but I couldn't see who it was until my eyes cleared up. 

"You doin' alright there, darlin'?" The man asked, and my eyesight cleared up immediately. It was the southern guy who had taken me in the first place. He was tall and skinny, his facial features being that of hollow and empty. His auburn hair was scruffed up and to the side, making the appearance of bed-head. He was wearing slim-fit jeans and a white t-shirt that had the slightest splatter of blood in the hem. I leaned back in my chair, trying to be as far away from him as possible without moving the chair. I tried lifting my legs up to my chest, but the deep pain in my leg rose and I groaned in pain.

"Honey, you've gotta knife stuck in the back of your calf. I would reccomend that you don't move it." He laughed out. His laugh was harsh and haughty, making his appearance even uglier. 

I said something, but he didn't hear it so he pulled the cloth out of my mouth. I coughed from the sudden gust of air that spread into my lungs.

"Say that again, darlin'." He said politely.

"I said, what are you gonna do with me." I spat, causing his eyes to raise with my sudden attitude change.

"Oh, not much, really. We were just gonna keep you here for a few days to give your little boyfriend a scare. But if your gonna start giving me this sort of attitude," he said, bringing his mouth near my ear and whispering, "I think we're gonna have to punish you. You know, do stuff against your will."

I gasped in fright as my eyes widened in terror. "No... no, please. Please, just let me go. I promise I won't say anything. Please." I begged.

"Honey, you're gonna have to beg a lot harder for me to let you go. Now, I was gonna just come down here so that way you wouldn't be lonely. But now that you're actin' this way, I think I should give you a little privacy." He said blatantly as he rose from his chair.

"Wait... please, just answer me this; why in the name of fuck did you put a knife in my leg?" I asked angrily.

"Darlin', that's the first time you've cussed in front of me. It's ridiculously attractive." He said slyly. He jogged up the stairs and closed the door to the room, leaving me confused and hurt all over again.

A sudden soppy sob burst from my lips as I hunched over in pain.

"Leo..." I whispered. "Leo.."

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