A Vampire Invades Athens

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River Song continued sweeping the floor from dust and at the mention of vampires looked up.

The Doctor just looked annoyed.

"Well I was busy, if you haven't noticed. Can't the world just wait for once?" He asked annoyed.

"No, Doctor," I replied with the same amount of annoyance as him. "I was busy as well, trust me."

He smiled immaturely. "Busy? What's your definition of busy?"

I stared at him blankly for a few seconds. Then I understood what he meant, and slapped him real hard. In fact, I slapped him so hard, I heard a big slapping noise

"OW!" he yelled. I smiled at the scene.

"Sorry, but I don't like being teased relationship-wise."

He glared at me. It felt as if his eyes were piercing straight through me. All I did was widen my smile.

He grabbed Rose's hand firmly. "Well, someone's just got to go check out the damage. River..."

The Doctor turned to her and quickly let go of Rose's hand. He walked up to her until they were about a centimeter apart from eachother's faces.

"Watch the TARDIS for me, and I'll call if I need any help."

"Alright Sweetie, just come back in one piece with the others."

He kissed her goodbye and went back to grabbing Rose's hand.

"Right..." Jake awkwardly said. "Off we go now."

The Doctor, Rose, Jake, and I exited the TARDIS.

I gripped Jake's strong hand and he smiled slightly, which I could see from the corner of my eye.

I looked at the scenery of Greece, everything from the floor to the sky interesting me.

"It's beautiful," I said halfway to myself.

"Yeah," agreed Rose. "I've always wanted to come here someday."

The Doctor looked her in the eyes.

"You never asked, I could've gladly brought you here."

"As long as I'm here with you now, everything's alright."

He grinned and straightened his bowtie.

I continued looking at my surroundings. I realized Jake was being terribly quiet.

Don't tell him I said 'terribly', he'll tease me for eternity.

I glanced at him for a quick second.

He returned the favor and squeezed my hand. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he asked me.

"No word to describe it. Beautiful, amazing, best trip ever, actually."

"Actually, best trip ever on Earth in the year 2013. Nothing beats New New York, or the other vacations on other planets," the Doctor cut in.

"I suppose," Jake replied.

I smiled at the thought of Jake and the Doctor getting along.

The only reason why they didn't get along in the first place was because Jake was a little jealous of the fact that the Doctor got all the cool stuff, like the TARDIS and how he was able to get his own fish fingers and custard and wouldn't share.

Ahead of us was a snarling sound, followed by gasps and a scream.

The Doctor stopped in his tracks, which everyone else did as well.

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