Chapter Five

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Caroline went into Rebekah's room to get some clothes, as she hadn't planned on staying over. She put on creamed coloured sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. Her head wasn't as bad now that she'd had her shower, it just feels like the beginning of a headache and she knew it would be cured as soon as she ate a full English breakfast. 

Mmmm, smells delicious. She thought to herself as she made her way downstairs to the kitchen. 

She could hear Elijah, Stefan and Klaus laughing and teasing Kol and Rebekah - as they had bad hangovers - before she even entered. Rebekah was the first to notice her. 

"Please tell me you feel as bad as us?" She asked with a groan. 

Caroline chuckled, "It's dying down, so it should be gone within the hour." 

"Bitch" Kol and Rebekah muttered in union, making the others laugh. 

Caroline ate in silence. Just enjoying the bacon, sausages, eggs, beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, toast, hash browns and her glass of orange juice. She moaned through her bites, and everyone found it amusing, but said nothing. 

Klaus hasn't spoken to her yet, which she found confusing. He looked a bit nervous as well. She was just about to ask him what was wrong but he interrupted her. 

"We need to talk." Klaus' tone left no room for arguing. Caroline wondered what he needed to talk about. Was it something good? Was it something bad? She nodded her head to him in reply. He turned around and walked into the living room with Caroline following with a frown on her face. Elijah, Kol, Henrik, Rebekah and Stefan shared a look, and as soon as they heard the door close, they all ran up to the door with their ears pressed up against it, wanting to know what Klaus wanted to talk about privately. 

Klaus hadn't spoken yet, he was thinking how he should ask her if her words were real. They were both still standing, but he had his back to her. She was waiting patiently for him to speak and finally he turned round, took a deep breath and spoke. "Okay, so last night, when I took you upstairs to bed you said a couple of things." He paused, looking her in her eye for the first time. He seen confusion in her eyes. He realized that she didn't remember. He didn't know if he should continue, but all night, her words kept bugging him. He needed to know if they were real or not. 

"You kind of... told me .. that ermm... yousaidthatyouloveme." 

"Huh?" She asked, not hearing what he said. 

"You said that you love me." 

"Well of course I love you. You're my best friend." Getting a little panicked. 

"Noo... You said that you love me like a women loves a man." He said slowly. 

"Oh." Was all she could say in response. 

"So.. was it true?" Stepping in closer so they were now face to face and they could both feel each others breath on each others lips. 

"I don't know... What would you do if it was?" She whispered. 

"I don't know.. Is it true?" He whispered back. His eyes flickering back and forth from her eyes to her lips. 

Before another word could be said, the door flew open, they both jumped apart as Elijah, Kol, Henrik, Rebekah and Stefan came flying through the doorway landing on top of each other, Elijah being on the bottom and Rebekah on top. Caroline and Klaus just gaped at them. 

"What? We were just looking at the door. Mother is thinking about painting it." Rebekah commented. 

"I needed to speak to Caroline in private. Couldn't you lot just bloody leave us alone for 5 minutes." Klaus snapped. The siblings tried to defend themselves, but Klaus was just snapping back at them, as he was really annoyed by the interruption. It turned into a full-blown argument as neither of them were willing to back down. So they didn't notice Caroline slipping through another door that was in the room. They also didn't hear the front door slamming shut as she ran from the house embarrassed and confused. They only noticed about forty-five minutes later when they finally stopped arguing.

It had been three days and Klaus hasn't heard a thing off of Caroline. He was worried. This is the longest they have ever gone without talking to each other. He knew she was embarrassed that she told him, she loved him in her drunken state. But he also knew it was true as he seen it in her eyes, when he asked her. And he is ecstatic about it, but he didn't know what to do next. He finished with Tatia as soon as he finished his argument with his siblings. Knowing that Caroline returned his love felt amazing. He just needs to tell her that he feels the same. He doesn't know when and he doesn't know how. He doesn't even know when he'll see her again, and that thought made him angry. Why was she avoiding him? They have always been open to each other, this should be no different. He knew she needed at least a day to herself. But three! He wanted to talk to her.. no he needed to talk to her. But she isn't answering any of his calls, she isn't at her house, or in any of the places he would normally find her. Once he controlled his temper, he told himself that she would come back to him. He was just hoping that it was sooner rather than later. Just as he finished that thought, Kol came into the room and declared that we were all going out clubbing tonight, and when he went to protest, he told Klaus that Caroline was going to be there and he instantly perked up. 

Tonight. He thought to himself. I will tell her tonight.

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