Chapter Eight

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It has been three days since Caroline woke up, and after three days of tears and heartbreaking words, she is finally able to go home.

Stefan and Damon refused to leave the hospital. Not once have they left. Caroline had managed to convince everyone else to leave at least once, but not her brothers. Her over protective brothers. The three of them had a very emotional talk after she'd woke up. Two hours of beautiful heartwarming words through three rivers of tears and the trio feel like their bond has heightened.


While in the car with Damon and Stefan, Caroline started to wonder where her and Klaus' relationship stands. They haven't spoken about the 'I love yous' they shared. They had only talked about her being alright, and for doing such a stupid thing. They both cried at the fear Klaus explained he felt, while she held him as he broke down.

Thinking about it, Caroline had held every single one of them when they broke down. She feels so much closer to them after their confessions of fear over her.

She still couldn't get over the fact that everyone had been there for her. She honestly didn't believe that she meant that much to them. It had made their visits and words so much more special to her. She will never forget what they had said to her.

Coming out of her thoughts, she leaned over to Damon and embraced him warmly. She had missed her brother oh so much while he was on his honeymoon. She still felt bad for that he came back from it because of her, but he had assured her that it was alright as it was a three-week honeymoon and he was only missing four more days.

"Oh my God! I love this song! Stef, turn it up!" Caroline squealed.

Both Damon and Stefan laughed at her excitement over a song, while Stefan turned it up for her, so that it was almost blasting through the speakers.

It was 'Chocolate by The 1975' and Caroline started singing along while bobbing her head side to side along with it.

'You say, we'll go, where nobody knows, with guns hidden under our petticoats...'

Damon shook his head at his baby sister, while a smile played on his lips. Before he could understand what was happening, he was already singing with her.

Stefan started laughing so hard that tears passed his eyes. He only stopped when his vision got blurry.

When the song reached the second chorus all three of them were singing loudly and a little off.

'Oh we go, where nobody knows, with guns hidden under our petticoats, no we're never gonna quit it, no we're never gonna quit no. Yeah, dressed in black from head to toe, with guns hidden under our petticoats, no we're never gonna quit it, no we're never gonna quit it no.'


As they arrived to the Mikaelson mansion there was a big commotion between Rebekah, Kol, Elijah, Bonnie, Elena, Klaus, Henrik, Rose and Ester; Damon, Caroline and Stefan couldn't stop the laughter escaping them at the sight of it. Once all the arguing and laughing stopped, Ester asked Caroline what she wanted to do.

"Erm, well since I'm stuck in a wheelchair until my leg heals, I was thinking a load of junk food and movies?" She replied, a little embarrassed.

"What an excellent idea darling. Now we get to snuggle." Kol teased, before he picked her up, out of her wheelchair and carried a now hysterically laughing Caroline to the living-room.

"You lot get the snacks. I'll be with Care." Rebekah called over hers shoulder, while jogging behind Kol and Caroline. Henrik, Bonnie, Elena, Ester and Rose followed with smirks on their faces.

"Guess we're getting the munches." Damon mumbled.


Once the boys had got all the junk food they could find, they made their way into the living room, where the rest of them where still deciding on a film.

Klaus really needed to talk to Caroline. He has wanted to talk about their relationship since she said 'I love you', but he didn't want to have the conversation in a hospital. 'I need to do this now before I lose all sanity' He thought to himself, gathering all his courage.

After placing all the food on the table Klaus took a deep breath, before hesitantly asking, "Caroline, can we talk for a moment?" Seeing her nod, he added, "Privately." When she nods the second time, he walks over to her and gently picks her up bridal style and takes her into the room right next door.

"What's up Nik?" Caroline asked concerned.

Klaus opens and closes his mouth a couple of times, before finally speaking. "I need to know how you feel, love. I mean.. I know you said you love me in the hospital, but I need to know if it's just friendship or love? I didn't want to ask in the hospital, otherwise I would have asked sooner." He would have cursed himself for sounding so weak, but he really needed to know her answer.

Although she was expecting it, she was still taken back with the desperation and hope in his voice. "Klaus I..I.." Caroline sighed, not knowing how to tell him. Deciding to follow her heart she continued, "When you told me you loved me outside the club, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I had never expected you to say the three words that I have longed to hear you say. At first, I didn't believe you had said it, but when it finally settled in, all I wanted to do was jump into your arms, tell you how much I love you and smother you in kisses." Both she and Klaus chuckled, even though Klaus had tears forming in his eyes. "But before I could do that, I seen the light of the car come straight at you from behind and I panicked. I couldn't lose you before I had you in every single way possible. And I would push you out-of-the-way and let the car hit me every time if that meant you were safe. Nik, I love you. I always have. I wouldn't do anything that meant I couldn't be with you, unless it put you in harm's way. Friendship or love, you are mine. I'll be with you as long as you'll have me."

A tear escaped Klaus' eye as he moved in between Caroline's legs - from where she was sitting on the table - and hugged her. "I love you Caroline, but never throw yourself in front of a car again, or I'll kill you myself." He breathed out.

"I won't. I love you too." She whispered. Looking into his eyes, their foreheads touched as they both slowly leaned in and shared a slow but passionate kiss.

Once separated, Klaus sighed, knowing he couldn't have her to himself tonight. "Now, what movie do you want to watch?" He asked.

"White chicks!" Everyone from the other room shouted.

Caroline blushed knowing they heard everything they had just said, while Klaus just smirked.

"That sounds good." She said, still blushing.

"Yeah, I feel like laughing." He replied. Sharing a smile, Klaus carried Caroline back into the living room, and they both sat together on a love seat, waiting for the film to begin.

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