Chapter Fifteen

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Klaus woke up to the feeling of a warm body molded perfectly into his side like a jigsaw puzzle. A soft smile graced his lips as he recalled the night he and Caroline shared. Everything was perfect. Everything was beautiful. There was nothing he would change. There was nothing that went wrong. Klaus has never felt this relaxed and so at peace in all his life. He feels blest to be feeling like this and blest for the reason of his happiness is Caroline.

Snuggling further into the blond, who happily welcomed him, his smile and his love for her increased.

He watched her sleep for another couple hours as he slowly caressed her arm with his fingertips. He was thinking about all the ways he could please her and make her smile her bright smile, all the ways he could make her feel the happiness she makes him feel, and to make her feel loved.

Feeling her stir against him, he waited patiently for her to the wake.

"I don't think I've ever made love before" She said with a bright but lazy smile with her eyes still close and her voice hoarse from sleep.

"Me neither love. You were magnificent by the way, definitely the best I've ever had." He smirked at her, still caressing her arm.

"Oh Nik pl-lease, you're not having anybody else, you're mine, your body is mine." She smirked back.

Just as he was about to lean in and kiss her, Caroline quickly jumped up from the bed in all her naked glory, and made her way toward his bathroom, swaying her hips teasingly, leaving Klaus to stare, mouth agape, lost in a daydream of different ways he could have her screaming his name. He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard her invitation for him to join her in the shower. As he rose from the bed, a loud bang came from the floor below, making both Caroline and Klaus pause.

"Niiiik" A shout dragged out. Instantly recognizing the voice as Kol's, they groaned. "You may have locked the front door but the back door remained unlocked. Come out, come out where ever you are."

Caroline huffed, disappointed with the turn of events. "I'll be in the shower."

Klaus, also disappointed with not being able to shower with Caroline, called out to her before she closed the bathroom door. "I love you Caroline."

"I love you too Niklaus." Sharing a magical smile, Caroline continued going into the shower, as Klaus pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt then made his way downstairs, wondering what was going on with his younger brother.

Klaus found Kol flicking through the channels on the flat screen in the living-room. Coming to sit down next to him, they sat in silence for a while - with the odd mumble of annoyance from Kol.

"Ahh, finally. WWE." He exclaimed settling the remote on the settee.

They were shouting at the tele for a while with all the smack downs, body slams and folded chairs being thrown in faces.

Before long, Klaus' curiosity got the better of him and he asked Kol the reason of him being here.

Kol sighed, he had hoped Klaus wouldn't have asked. "Can't I just visit my brother?" When he received a look of disbelief and raised eyebrows, he added. "And I wanted to know about your date with Care. How did it go? Is she here?"

Smiling mindlessly as he yet again thought about the perfect night he had, Klaus suddenly remembered that Caroline was still here. Even though he wanted to go check up on his beloved, he caught an odd look in his brothers eye. Knowing it was the better thing to do, Klaus asked, "What's wrong Kol. And don't say nothing, because we both know that you're here for a reason."

"Bonnie's mad a me. I made a comment about her mother, completely forgetting that she left Bonnie when she was younger, and I have no idea what to do. Which is stupid because I am Kol frigging Mikaelson, I always know what to do. I'm a frigging God." Kol scowled at nothing in particular as Klaus chuckled at him.

"I don't know how to help with that one mate. If I made a comment about Caroline's mother or father I doubt she would ever talk to me ever again. But Caroline and Bonnie are different so maybe she'll forgive you?" Klaus said with a grimace knowing he wasn't helping at all.

"Why don't you go out for a guys night. Get drunk and play video games or something. I'll get the girls and we'll have a girls night, I'll talk to Bonnie, try get you back in her good graces." Caroline suggested as she made her way towards them, towel drying her hair.

"You are a doll. Caroline darling, I absolutely love you!" Kol exclaimed getting excited.

"Do we have to?" Klaus complained.

"Nik come on. It would be fun. We can meet up afterwards." Seeing him about to protest, she quickly bent down to his ear and whispered seductively, "We can have our own party after."

"You little minx." He smirked, "Fine, you win sweetheart."

"Great lets go get drunk!" Called a happy Kol.

"Kol! It's not even noon." Caroline scolded.

"Really darling? It's like 6 o'clock in the evening." Seeing the look of shock pass through both their faces Kol pretended to choke on air. "You two are disgusting! You spent the whole night having sex?! Gross. Just. Gross."

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