tutoring with grundy

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"Oh, Archibald."

For Kimi, school was something she despised. She could barely remember a time in which she actually enjoyed it. From the moment Kimi started talking, Alice Cooper did everything she could to make sure her youngest daughter would be a star. She did everything she could to turn her daughter into a mini Einstein. Luckily, it worked and Kimberly Cooper at age 15 and was already top 10 in Riverdale High. Her schedule was crammed with Advanced classes she would without a doubt pass with straight A's.

Somehow, Kimi couldn't enjoy school. She had been pushed her whole life to be the best she could be and she had close to no time to enjoy life. So when Jason Blossom came around and showed some interest in her she couldn't help but join in on his twisted games. Jason Blossom added some color to her incredibly dull life.

So here she was now, in the Blue and Gold offices with Jughead, Betty and Dilton Doiley hoping to add another piece to the puzzle that was Jason Blossom's murder.

"If you publish the story saying I fired that gun, my life will be ruined." Dilton began, "I will be banished from the Adventure Scouts and then charged with a misdemeanor." 

Upon noticing the lack of sympathy on their faces, Dilton sighed out. "What if I have a better story?" At this, Kimi straightened up sharing a look with Jughead and Betty.

"If I tell you what I know, promise me the gunshot stays between us." He proposed.

Betty sighed sharing a quick look with Kimi.

"You have our word. As journalists." Betty promised walking around the desk to take the spot between Jughead and Kimi.

Dilton only stared up at the three teenagers uncertainly.

"Scouts honor." Kimi said putting one hand to her heart.

Jughead scoffed lightly sending a look to Kimi who shrugged, "What? I was a Girl Scout." Dilton seemed to have bought it.

"I saw something at Sweetwater River." Dilton began, "Something nobody else saw."

Kimi rolled her eyes, she was tired of his stalling. "Get on with it, Doiley." She snapped heatedly.

Dilton sent her a dirty look before continuing. "Ms. Grundy's car." He paused again sending Kimi a quick glance as if expecting her to attack for that brief pause. "By the river's edge, she was there."


"So, Archie." Kimi began sending Archie, who rummaged in the locker next to hers, a quick look. "I heard about your eventful summer."

Archie gave her a strange look, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline. "If you call pouring concrete eventful. Yes, Kim, my summer was very eventful."

"Oh cut the crap, Archibald." Kimi snapped slamming her locker door closed. "I know about your canoodling with Grundy."

Archie stopped mid search, his hand freezing and his eyes widening. "I don't know what you're talking about." He coughed out after a moment.

"Let's not lie, Arch." Kimi said leaning against her closed locker. "All I want to say is, watch out."

Archie pulled a textbook out of his locker finally turning to face Kimi. "Is that a threat?"

"No, it's a warning." Kimi paused, looking around for any prying ears. "Let's just say you're not the first student she has had to tutor. It won't end well."

With that, she turned and walked away leaving a confused Archie Andrews staring after her.

"Are you sure this is where they're going to be?" Kimi asked turning to look at the breathless redhead standing next to her.

"I'm sure of it." He chuckled placing an arm over her shoulders. "Look at the car."

Kimi opened her mouth to ask another question but before she could, a giggle caught her attention.

Up ahead, two figures had emerged from a midnight blue charger, a male and a female. Kimi's mouth fell open letting out a small gasp. The male hoisted the female's legs up picking her up in one swift motion and setting her on the hood of the car.

"Wait-wait. Does anyone know you're here?" The female's voice could be heard over the loud smacks the male was making as he kissed his way down her neck.

"No. Nobody knows." The male promised. That seemed to be all the confirmation she needed because in seconds she had pounced.

Kimi almost snorted because sure, nobody knew. Nobody but Jason and Kimi.

Jason chuckled lightly, removing his arm from around Kimi's shoulder he pulled out his phone.

"Here, I'll take it." Kimi whispered pulling the device from his hands. Jason nodded with a small smirk.

Kimi pulled up the camera quickly snapping a few pictures.

Once she was done, Jason snatched up her hand and stared pulling her away.

Kimi grinned shaking the phone around, relishing in the fact that they had captured Aaron Edwards cheating on his girlfriend.

"Let me see." Jason said pulling the phone from her hands and going over the pictures. After swiping a few time his finger froze mid-swipe. Most of the pictures were blurry or unfocused but in some it was clear who the male was.

"Oh no." Jason mumbled. He flipped the phone towards Kimi letting her see what probably the only clear picture of the couple. The only picture that showed who both the male and the female were.

The woman Aaron was so feverishly making out with was unmistakably Geraldine Grundy, their music teacher.

"Tutoring with Grundy." Jason laughed out pocketing his phone.

"This is gold." Kimi exclaimed in an exited whipped. She grasped Jason's hand in hers and began pulling him away.

shoot shoot shoot shoot.
Does anyone else watch TVD? If so, did anyone else loose their will to live during the finale? I don't want to spoil anything but like, my bby deserved better :(
Dr. Elena Salvatore THOUGH kajxjwjxjs
Okay that's enough for today. calm down, lyds. :(:

ps. who are y'all hoping the love interest for kimi will be?

if you see any mistakes let me know! I'll fix them ASAP!

I hope you're all having a fantastic spring break and until next time,

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