Tip #13: Don't Let Your Emotions Get in the Way

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"May, your numbers are through the roof." Riley exclaims as I walk into the journalism room a week and a half before the election.

"Really?" I say, my tone surprised. "Why?"

"Well, the debate went much better than expected. Apparently, one of your new tactics work; the poll I sent out got an overwhelming response from the wannabes. They love you and I think they could be the group to swing the election." Riley rambles, his fingers clicking on the keyboard in front of him.

"It's not me." I say and Riley turns to me, his brows knitted together in confusion. "I'm dating Trip, I'm in with the populars and if they vote for me, they think they'll get in too; it's only logical."

"May, like you said: Trip doesn't define your campaign. You got here because of you yourself, not because of Trip." Riley pats my shoulder and then consults his schedule. "Don't forget your round table discussion after school."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I sigh and sink down in a chair. It's the homestretch; just a few more days of agony.


"Welcome to the annual Mount Forrest Knights of the Round Table Discussion." Alexandra, the school's main news anchor, says as she pulls out some note cards. "On behalf of the students and faculty of Mount Forrest, I'm honored to announce the top three candidates for the prestigious title of student body president." The audience applauds as she announces each of us in turn. I look out from the round table on the stage, my eyes glossing over the tops of everyone's heads as they stare eagerly back at me. I swallow my nerves and turn back to face Alexandra.

"The purpose of this discussion is not to re-state your campaign platform, rather, the purpose is to have everything out in the open so that the public can make an informed decision about who to vote for next Friday." Alexandra explains. "Each question comes from a member of the audience and is intended for a specific candidate. Your job as candidates is to answer honestly and in as much detail as possible. Let's begin." She ruffles through her note cards and picks one at random. A smirk plays on her lips as she looks up, her eyes focused on me.

"Trip McCan," I release a deep breath as she turns to face him.

"Alexandra," He replies, an easy smile spreading slowly across his face.

"What's your response to these rumors of a bet you made about May Parker?" Alexandra looks like a spider who's caught helpless prey in her web. I turn to Trip and dare him to answer. His eyes are wide, the gears of his mind churning as he tries to come up with an appropriate answer.

"I'll admit it: I did make a bet with my friends, but it was stupid..." Trip turns to me, his eyes guilty as Alexandra continues to drill him.

"So, is that why you're dating her? Because of some stupid bet?" Alexandra's voice is sharp, her words cutting him like a knife.

"No," Trip struggles to get his words out; obviously, he wasn't expecting questions such as these. So, naive. "I'm dating her because I want to, not because of some stupid bet." Just keep your mouth shut; our jobs are to be honest, but her job is to twist our words.

"How do you feel knowing that his original plan for dating you was based on winning a bet?" Alexandra asks, turning her piercing gaze towards me. I look up and lick my bottom lip, trying my best to seem calm.

"I choose to believe that the bet was just a stupid joke between friends." I reply calmly, giving Trip a quick glance as I continue my response. "We all say stupid things with our friends and I think everyone deserves a second chance."

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